Point Shot 02 - Game Misconduct

Free Point Shot 02 - Game Misconduct by V.L. Locey

Book: Point Shot 02 - Game Misconduct by V.L. Locey Read Free Book Online
Authors: V.L. Locey
and banged this bimbo.’ No. You lied to me. You’re a fucking coward despite all the big-shit talk!” He placed both palms to my chest and shoved. Short he might be, but he has strength. I tripped back into a trash can.
    “I’d think long and hard before you go calling anyone else a coward, Arou,” I retaliated as wads of paper towels bounced to the floor. “Who’s the one who’s so scared of coming out that we even lie to the landlord’s fucking dog?”
    His face fell. I relished the point scored. If he was going to pound my deep, dark holes, and man, did that sound sexy as F.U.C.K., I was going to stick my dick into his secret fear-gaps as well. His jaw worked silently. His eyes sparked with anger. If this had been a different argument, some stupid one about mismatched socks or something, I would have grabbed his head, kissed him raw, then bent him over the sink and fucked him until we both blew apart. He shoved around me. I turned, knowing the look the hardheaded little shit was wearing.
    “Dan, don’t do anything because I called you on it. If you’re not ready to come out, then we don’t come out. I’m happy to lie to that fucking dog forever if you want.”
    He threw the door open. I glanced from my man’s back to the several Cougars players standing outside the bathroom door. Every one of them looked like a kid caught with his hand deep in the cookie jar.
    “In case you missed the fine points, I’m gay,” Dan announced, then used his shoulders and elbows to make a path through our teammates. All eyes moved to me.
    “We ain’t living together just to save on cable,” I threw at the crowd.
    “Guess there’s no accounting for taste,” Mario threw out, then clapped my shoulder. “So, are we skating anytime today?”
    I could have kissed that stupid Italian-Scot right on his mouth. Instead I followed in Dan’s wake, passing the team captain, who looked as if he’d just had a major bowel obstruction cleared.
    Dan and Brooks went outside. I thought about giving them some privacy for about a millisecond before I exited the rink to join them. Dan’s irate blue gaze flew from Brooks to me. Both men suddenly grew tight-lipped.
    “No, please, do carry on the conversation. Or if you want, I can help out,” I said.
    “Shut up, Vic,” Dan said halfheartedly. I ran his request over like a squirrel in the road.
    “Here’s the deal, Brooks . Dan and I are an item, a thing, a couple. We might be having a rough patch,” I paused when Arou snorted like a gaseous hog, “but we are still together until he tells me to my face otherwise. So whatever you thought was going to happen with you and him, it ain’t. I suggest you go hit on the burly asshole in the kilt.”
    “He’s my cousin,” Dan said after I folded my arms over my chest and jerked my head at the rink to show Brooks the general direction in which to take his far-too-handsome self. My gaze darted from the stunned man to Dan, who nodded. “Yeah, my cousin Brooks. I talked about him all the time. Coming up into the ECHL? Grew up playing pond hockey with him?”
    “Oh. Yeah, I recall. Well, he could still probably score with McGarrity.”
    “I’m not gay,” Brooks coughed. The poor kid looked a little stunned.
    To be honest I was feeling a wee bit wobbly. So much had happened in the last fifteen minutes that my mind was still back in the powder room while my mouth was out here. Bad thing to happen generally, as we all should know by now.
    “I need to get a soda.” Brooks, who resembled Mrs. Arou as well as Dan now that I looked through eyes not tinted green, backed away from us and ran back inside.
    “I quit drinking,” I told Dan, who was now bent over the hood of a green car, arms locked, hands splayed on the hood, head lowered.
    He peeked at me through his overgrown bangs. “Good. You abuse when you’re upset.”
    I didn’t know that “abuse” was the right word. Maybe “overindulge”. No, Dan was right. I abused. Rolling a

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