Wolf on a Mission: Salvation Pack, Book 6
the small spurt of joy that welled up inside her at seeing Elias again. Plus, there was no denying the joy that being around Reece gave her son.
    “Okay. Tell me what you need and I’ll get it.” She still wasn’t comfortable inviting them into her home. “I need to get changed out of my work clothes.”
    “Foil wrap, salt, pepper and some lemon, if you have it.”
    “I can handle that.” She took Billy by the hand. “Come on, champ, let’s get everything we need. I’ll put some potatoes in the microwave too.” Considering they were cooking and had provided the fish, it was the least she could do.
    “Sue.” Elias waited until she met his gaze. “We can leave if you want us to. I didn’t mean to intrude on your life like this.”
    He might not have intended it, but he had invaded her life in a big way. Fortunately for all of them, she didn’t mind. At least not too much.
    Ignoring the voice in the back of her head that warned her she was getting too involved with a stranger who would be gone in a few more days, she headed toward the house. “I won’t be long.” Suddenly, she wasn’t feeling nearly as tired as she’d been only moments before.

Chapter Six
    Elias frowned as he watched Sue enter the house. She looked tired. He realized he had no idea about her life, what she did for a living or what problems she might be dealing with. It was unfair of him to use her as a distraction from his own problems.
    “Should we go?” Sage asked. Elias read the concern in the boy’s face.
    He shook his head. “No. We’ll make them a nice meal and we won’t overstay our welcome.”
    Sage nodded and took the cooler from him. Reece stayed close as they headed toward the barbecue. Elias took one last look at the closed door and followed. Sage already had the cover off the barbecue and had turned on the gas to allow it to heat.
    Elias set the cooler down and opened it. A dozen fish were waiting to be gutted, filleted and cleaned. They’d filled the cooler with water from the stream to keep the fish cool and fresh.
    He pulled a knife out of his back pocket, opened it and began the process of getting the fish ready to cook. Sage sat on the ground beside him and watched.
    “You can help, if you’d like,” Elias offered.
    “No, that’s okay. You’re doing a great job.” Sage grinned and shoved Reece aside as the large wolf crowded next to him.
    “Smartass,” Elias muttered, but he couldn’t deny the spurt of happiness inside him. It was so unusual for Sage to kid around with him, especially since the death of his parents. Elias took it as a good sign.
    He finished cleaning the final fish and set it with the others on the cover of the cooler. “I’m going down to the stream to get rid of the fish guts and wash out the cooler.” He stood and headed off. “Stay out of trouble while I’m gone.”
    “Why do you always feel the need to tell us that every time you leave?”
    “You figure it out.” He grinned as Sage’s laughter followed him down the path.
    Sue yanked off her skirt and blouse and pulled on a pair of walking shorts and a short-sleeved T-shirt. It wasn’t that she was getting dressed up, she assured herself. She was simply changing into something more comfortable.
    “Hurry, Mom.” Billy stood by her bedroom window, peering out into the backyard.
    “They’re not going anywhere,” she reassured him. Worry ate at her as she sat on the side of the bed and pulled on a pair of canvas sneakers. Billy was getting very attached to Elias, Sage and, most especially, Reece.
    “Billy, come here.” She waited while he reluctantly tore himself away from the window. He walked over to stand in front of her. His blond hair was like hers, as were his eyes. He was growing up fast, was still so young, but life had already dealt him several horrible blows.
    “You know that Elias and his nephew are only visiting the area, right?”
    “And Reece,” he reminded her.
    “And Reece. They’re going to go home

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