Ink and Shadows

Free Ink and Shadows by Rhys Ford

Book: Ink and Shadows by Rhys Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhys Ford
Mustang, and Mal winced, knowing he would hear Ari rant for hours if it dried and ruined the paint.
    Reluctantly, Mal got out, mindful of the redcap. They were unpredictable, one of the many creatures that lived behind the Veil, not like the echoes of children scampering around the Volvo parked nearby. Here was a creature that kept itself hidden from mankind, feeding on humans and their wastes. Something that could, if it had a mind to, do serious injury to another Veiled. Like an unsuspecting Horseman with a newly healed leg.
    As he stepped clear from the car, Mal closed his hand around the short knife Ari left with him, its sheath shoved hastily into Mal’s waistband. He’d never mastered the quick feints and sharp stabs Death and Ari tried to teach him. He was more likely to stab himself in the leg again before actually hitting an opponent. Pulling himself up to his full height and squaring his shoulders, Mal tried to look casually formidable, sternly reminding himself that he was one of the Four Horsemen.
    “What do you want?” His words sounded childish to his own ears, a boy putting on his father’s grown-up jacket for a game of pretend. Mal strained his facial features to control the wince he felt ticking behind his muscles. At least I kept my voice from cracking , he thought to himself.
    “I need to talk to Death. Is he around?” The squat creature jerked his thumb toward Ari. “No use talking to that one. He doesn’t listen much to people like me.”
    “Death’s busy.” This talking was easier if he kept to short sentences and the truth. Changing tactics, Mal went on the offensive. “You can talk to me.”
    “You?” The redcap’s mouth screwed up, and he spat at Mal’s feet. “You’re Pestilence. Not even a real Horseman. You and the skinny broad, you’re just filling space behind them.”
    Mal countered with something calmer. “I’m all you got here. Talk, or I go back into the car.”
    “Maybe I should go talk to War.” The creature poked a stubby finger into the air. Mal could see it was tipped red from shoving his cap back into place. “Maybe I can get him to listen.”
    “He’s busy too. Like I said, I’m here.”
    “I’m looking for someone who can actually do something.” The redcap’s beady eyes drifted to where a couple was arguing, drawn by the negative energy arcing between them. “I got some information I’ll trade for.”
    “What kind of information?” Mal steeled himself not to step back when the creature jumped down from the hood, flat feet hitting the asphalt with an audible wetness. Steadying himself, the redcap craned his head back to stare up at the tall Horseman, his tongue darting furiously.
    “Something that came out of the shadows. Something not good.” The scent of fresh blood tugged at the redcap’s nose. Sniffing, he honed in on Mal’s leg, spotting the crusted holes in his jeans. “I’ll want payment.”
    “I don’t have anything to give you.” Mal’s brain crackled, thinking about what Death told him about payments to other Veiled creatures. He came up with very little, scant help to him now.
    “Lick off your leg will pay for anything.” Again, his tongue crept out, a hummingbird of movement. “I’ve never tasted a Horseman before.”
    The thought of the creature’s tongue running over him gave Mal the shivers, and his stomach complained, the nausea scrambling at his throat. Swallowing hard, Mal shook his head. “Tell you what. I have a rag that I used to wipe off the blood. It’s in the car. You can have that.”
    “That would be even better.” Smiling, the creature proved even uglier, sharp teeth fighting for position in a too small mouth.
    Reaching into the car, Mal grabbed at the towel Ari tossed at him when they left the garage, splotches of dried brown splatter marbling the pile. The redcap made a grab for it, brushing up against Mal’s leg when the Horseman jerked it out of range.
    “Talk first,” Mal cautioned, feeling the

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