Promise to Cherish

Free Promise to Cherish by Elizabeth Byler Younts

Book: Promise to Cherish by Elizabeth Byler Younts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Byler Younts
know, the one that you’re skipping out on.” She looked at him and their eyes met. She couldn’t let it go. He was a coward. She was getting to him. His mouth was tight and his face was becoming redder with the passing moments.
    Eli checked another mouth, gave the patient a look, and handed him a second water cup. The patient drank the water and pills down and Eli checked again. He patted him on the arm but the patient scowled as he pulled his arm away.
    “I’m sorry to hear that.” His voice was so soft that Christine could barely hear him.
    Christine stopped passing the medications until Eli looked at her.
    “Are you sorry?” Her heart pounded faster by degrees as she spoke. “While you and your people refuse to fight I have two brothers dead in Europe out of loyalty and service. I just don’t understand.” She sated her building passion by biting the inside of her cheek and fiddling with her glasses.
    “I’m not surprised you don’t understand it, or the rest of the country, for that matter. I don’t think I understood until my draft notice came. Listen, I’ve made bad decisions in my life, fighting and that sort of thing. It’s not something I’m proud of, but still, it’s not the same thing as killing someone—and forcinghim into eternity—when he might not be prepared. My conscience won’t allow it.”
    He shook his head and cleared his throat.
    Christine found his explanation honest but didn’t agree. Couldn’t agree. As a Christian she naturally believed in God and the Devil, and heaven and hell, too, for that matter. But wasn’t everyone accountable for themselves? If they headed into war, they should expect they might die and be prepared.
    “Since when are you responsible for their hearts? And what about defending freedom and being loyal to our country? Righting wrongs? I mean, what about Pearl Harbor?”
    “It’s terrible and—”
    “But you’re not going to do anything about it, are you?” She interrupted.
    Eli sighed and pursed his lips.
    “I don’t believe Jesus himself would ever kill or hurt anyone. The Amish church chooses to follow his example and—”
    “So why did his disciples carry swords? Didn’t Peter strike a Roman soldier and cut off his ear?”
    “Sure, but Jesus then told him not to strike and he miraculously healed the soldier.”
    “So, he wanted peace—we all do. Isn’t there a difference between seeking peace and avoiding even defending our freedoms?”
    His eyes glanced over to Wally. “The cost is too high for war. Too many people are wounded. Too many die.”
    “What about the Old Testament? There were so many wars.” She had stopped passing out the medications already and she didn’t waiver from his eyes as she spoke.
    “And what about the commandment not to murder?” he countered, and he stood straight but his voice remained cool and collected.
    Though Christine’s mind wasn’t changed, she couldn’t help but see a small glimpse of his point of view.
    “Jesus told us to turn the other cheek and love our enemies, to do good to those who hate you. The Bible gives us plenty of reasons not to agree with war.”
    “What if your family was going to be harmed? Would you just let it happen? Didn’t Jesus also teach to always be prepared to defend your faith—to defend our right for freedom to choose our own faith?”
    “What do you think I’m doing here?” His voice was quiet but deliberate and passionate.
    Christine winced. He had indeed just, in part, proved his faith through his actions.

    J uly Fourth fireworks had put half the patients into panic attacks, and the rest had clamored to open the windows to catch a glimpse. If that wasn’t bad enough a few neighborhood boys had set off some firecrackers next to their building just an hour before Christine’s shift, rousing them all into further fits of shock and confusion. It had taken Christine still another hour to get the patients calmed down enough to give them their

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