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Book: DARKSIDE OF THE MOON by Jodi Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodi Vaughn
away and wrapped her arms around herself like a shield.
    “I had to grow up pretty fast, Zane. Not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth like you.”
    “I didn’t mean . . .” He narrowed his eyes and reached for her, but she shook her head, not letting him finish.
    “It doesn’t matter. This was a mistake. We are a mistake.” She took a step back from his warmth, determined to be strong.
    She didn’t need this right now. Getting involved with a man—even just for one hot night would complicate her plans for the future. She needed a clear head, and whenever she was around Zane, he made her head spin
    “Are you scared of me?” He cocked his head and shot her a heated gaze.
    “Of course not.” I’m scared of letting you see me. Emotional scars aren’t that sexy to a male like you who could have the finest female in the state.
    Though the words were silent, they brought tears to her eyes.
    Her heart rate shot up as she grabbed her robe and escaped into the kitchen, putting much-needed distance between them.She’d gotten the apartment because it was safe and the price was right. At the time she hadn’t cared that it wasn’t that big. But with Zane standing in the middle of the room and taking up space with his huge muscles and sexy vibe, it seemed the size of a shoebox.
    Securing her robe, she opened the refrigerator and pulled out two beers. She shoved one at him as she passed him on her way to her bedroom.
    What she needed was a shower. A very cold shower to wash his scent off her and clear her mind.
    He caught her arm before she made it into the bathroom and spun her around. She knew she needed to get away, but the warmth coming off his hard, naked body was too much of a temptation for her to step away.
    He was going to be her kryptonite.
    “Skylar, talk to me.”
    “Zane, I don’t…”
    Knock, knock, knock.
    Zane tensed, and Skylar cut her eyes up at him.
    “Skylar, is everything okay in there?” Mrs. Nelson called out from the other side of the door.
    Skylar rolled her eyes to the ceiling and let out a sigh. She mouthed “Be quiet” to him as he made his way into the bedroom and closed the door.
    Taking a deep breath, she strolled over to the door. Before reaching for the doorknob, she cut a glance over her shoulder to make sure Zane had stayed in the bedroom. The last thing she needed was for Mrs. Nelson to see she had a visitor. That old lady would want to know everything about Zane from his blood type to his shoe size. Not to mention that if she suspected he was staying with her, that old bat wouldn’t hesitate for one second to rat her out to her landlord.
    The last thing she needed was another pair of eyes on her.
    Gripping the doorknob in her hand, she flung open the door.
    “Mrs. Nelson. What can I do for you?” She plastered a hard smile on her face and met the woman’s beady gaze. She cocked her head around Skylar’s shoulder, trying to get a look inside.
    “I thought I heard noises. I know you don’t have a TV, so that couldn’t be it.” She swung her gaze back to Skylar. It held an intensity she wasn’t used to feeling from the frail lady.
    “I had the radio on. That’s probably what you heard.” She forced herself to hold the woman’s gaze.
    “Didn’t sound like a radio to me. Much too loud.” Her eyes narrowed into snake-like slits.
    “Oh, well, it’s my new sound system. It can get pretty loud.” She gave her neighbor a sheepish grin. “I’m so sorry to have bothered you with it. I’ll make sure I keep it turned down.” Skylar eased the door closed, but the woman put her foot in the way, preventing it from shutting.
    “Are you okay, Skylar? You’re acting a little strange.”
    “I’m just exhausted. Been busting my ass to get this job finished.”
    Mrs. Nelson frowned her disapproval at the coarse language.
    “Sorry. I meant ‘butt.’” Skylar blushed.
    “Hmmm. Well, try to keep it down. You don’t want to be known as the troublemaking

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