Free DARKSIDE OF THE MOON by Jodi Vaughn

Book: DARKSIDE OF THE MOON by Jodi Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jodi Vaughn
what smelled like food containers from brown paper bags and narrowed her eyes at him. “Why are you naked?”
    He glanced down at the towel wrapped around his hips and then scowled at her.
    “I ruined my clothes, remember?”
    “I know, but you could have at least put my robe on instead of that.”
    “Stop changing the subject. It’s been dark for hours. Where have you been?”
    “I had to stop and get you more clothes. This time I bought extra.” She dropped the bag on the kitchen counter. She jerked her head back at him and shot him a glare. “Wait, do you think I ratted you out to your Pack Master?” Her lips pressed into a white line as her gaze narrowed even further. “I may not be a gray, but I don’t ever rat out my race. Ever.” She shoved away from the kitchen counter and stormed past him toward the bedroom.
    “Skylar.” He growled and caught her elbow.
    “What?” She spun around and faced him. Anger flashed behind those blue eyes, and something shifted in his chest. His body heated, and his breathing turned to a pant.
    He couldn’t smell her—hell, he couldn’t smell anything. He shouldn’t be feeling this. Not at all. He tried to release his hold on her but couldn’t as his heart thumped loudly in his chest.
    He growled low and deep as he pulled her into his arms. The second her body sunk against his, all he wanted was her.
    Her lips parted and her pupils dilated. He knew then that she felt it too.
    He slammed his mouth across hers, sealing the taste of her onto his mouth and searing it into his brain. She tasted like cherries, and he wanted more. He wanted so much more.
    Lust licked every cell of his body until he was trembling with animalistic need.
    She didn’t fight him and instead relaxed into his hard embrace. Her hardened nipples pressed into his naked chest through her thin T-shirt. His hand slipped around and up under the back of her shirt to brush her naked skin. Her heated skin grazed his rough palm, and he pressed her closer as he deepened the kiss.
    She moaned and then fisted her fingers into his short hair as she sucked his tongue into her sweet mouth.
    Fuck, she was going to give him a heart attack before he got inside her.
    “Skylar.” Her name hung between them like a soft prayer. He was used to bedding women, but none like her. None like Skylar.
    “Stop talking and take my clothes off.” Her feminine hands reached for his towel and pulled. The terry cloth landed in a puddle on the tile floor of the living room. Good thing he’d closed all the curtains; otherwise, they would be giving the public a show.
    She glanced down at his straining erection. Her mouth dropped open and she murmured a feminine sound of appreciation.
    “It’s my turn.” He tugged her T-shirt over her head and tossed it in the air. A lacy white bra was the only thing covering her beautiful breasts.
    He unsnapped her jeans and pulled the fly down in a slow and torturous motion. As much as he wanted her, he didn’t want to hurt her. Judging by the look on her face, she’d not been with a lot of men. Especially men as well-endowed as he.
    He shoved her jeans down to her ankles and knelt in front of her. Lifting one leg, she balanced a hand on his shoulder while he pulled her jeans off. He looked up at her. Her red hair curtained her face, and her full lips were parted as she panted. He gave her a wicked smile.
    He hooked his thumbs in her white lace thong and tugged it off. He ran the pad of his thumb along the red landscaped landing strip down to her clit. She shivered and gripped his shoulders with both hands, and he felt her legs tremble under his hands.
    His heart beat faster as he nudged her legs farther apart. He kept his gaze fixed on hers as he pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her wet heat between her creamy thighs.
    Her taste exploded on his tongue as he licked at her wet flesh. He growled like a bear needing more of the sweet honey that only she could give.
    “Zane, don’t stop.” She

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