The Proposition
she glanced up at him.
    Aidan gripped her shoulders and pulled her up
off the floor. Spinning them around, he pushed her up against the
tile. He grinned at her as he hitched one of her legs over his hip
and pressed himself inside of her. “You got me so worked up with
that performance Round Two may be a little shorter than
    “That’s okay,” she panted. She wrapped her
arms tight around his neck, pressing her breasts flush against his
chest. The water suctioned them together as he began to move. After
several deep thrusts caused her to cry out, Aidan glanced into her
eyes. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”
    “No, you’re good.”
    “Just good?” he teased.
    She grinned. “Great, wonderful, magnificent,
Oh, God, Oh God!”
    He laughed. “You’re such a smartass.” He
increased his pace, eliciting moans from both of them. Just when
Emma was getting close, Aidan grabbed her ass and swept her other
leg off the ground, impaling her on him. She gasped with pleasure
as he banged her back against the shower wall. “Squeeze me tight,”
he instructed. She wrapped her legs tight around him, taking him
deeper when she did. “Oh God, yes,” he groaned against her
    Aidan moved frantically against her. Her back
burned from being smacked against the shower wall with his thrusts,
but everything else felt too good to complain. Instead, she panted
against his ear, crying out his name when the orgasm ripped through
her. Just as she clenched around him, he came, pinning her hard
against the wall. “Damn,” he murmured. He turned his head to grin
at her. “Yep, pretty damn good, Ms. Harrison.”
    She laughed. “Thank you, Mr. Fitzgerald.
Think you could let me down now? I’m going to have tile burn.”
    His eyes widened. “Shit, I’m sorry.”
    “It’s okay.”
    When she was back on her feet, her legs felt
rubbery like they might not hold her. Their position wasn’t
actually on the “to do” list of conceiving, so she knew she needed
to get back to bed. “I better go lie down.”
    “For the boys,” he mused with a grin.
    “Yes, for the boys.”
    After grabbing a towel, she stumbled out of
the shower and wobbled into the bedroom. Drying off quickly, Emma
grabbed the nightgown she had stowed in her purse and slid it over
her head. A glance at the clock on the nightstand showed it was
after midnight. She yawned and wondered how she was going to get up
in the morning for work. Turning back the sheets, she slipped into
the bed.
    Aidan stepped out of the bathroom, a towel
wrapped around his waist. Self-consciously, she clutched the sheet
around her. “Did I wear you out?” he asked, with a grin.
    A shy smile curved on her lips. “A little,”
she replied. She couldn’t bring herself to turn away when he
dropped the towel and slid on his underwear. But then her heart
sank as he started to reach for his pants. “Aren’t you
    He turned back to her. “I hadn’t planned on
it really. But you can. The room’s covered for the night.”
    “Oh,” she murmured, unable to hide her
    She felt the heat of Aidan’s stare before he
drew in a ragged breath. The bed sagged under his weight when he
sat down. “Em, you knew what kind of man I was before we got into
this. I don’t usually—”
    “No, it’s fine.”
    “You sure as hell don’t sound or look fine
about it.”
    “It’s just you just threw me for a loop with
the lingerie and champagne. It all became less business-like and
more...” She shook her head. “But I get it now. It’s always going
to be just sex with you.”
    Aidan groaned and ran a hand through his wet
hair. “I should have realized this would happen,” he muttered.
    “I’m fine, okay?” At his skeptical look, she
sighed. “This is all a whacked out emotional roller coaster for me,
and I’m sorry. I’m sure you hate women who get all demanding and
    He grimaced. “Sometimes.”
    She gave him a sad smile. “I figured

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