
Free Persephone by Kaitlin Bevis

Book: Persephone by Kaitlin Bevis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlin Bevis
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult
really queen, and I’d been here for less than twelve hours. But why have two thrones? Cassandra hadn’t hesitated before pointing to her usual spot, so it wasn’t as if she typically sat there. I wondered at the mentality behind having an empty seat beside you for all eternity. Who would want the reminder that they were alone?
    I mulled that over while I followed her back to the hall with the bedrooms. I caught sight of a man making his way down the long hallway. “Who’s that?”
    Cassandra followed my pointed finger and narrowed her dark eyes. “Hey you!” She jogged through the entertainment room to the hall.
    I followed closely behind her, studying the man. Something was off about him. He was tall, wearing robes the same disorienting black I’d seen on Hades, but that wasn’t what stood out to me. Light seemed to bend around him, as though he was sucking it out of the room.
    “Reapers aren’t allowed down here.” Cassandra frowned. “How did you get clearance?”
    “From Thanatos. What about you? Do you have clearance?” he asked in a snide voice.
    Cassandra bristled. “I live here.”
    “Ah yes, Hades’ pet soul. I almost forgot. What about her?” He motioned to me.
    “None of your business. She belongs here, you don’t. So shoo!”
    “I’m Persephone.” I was determined to be polite, no matter how snide he sounded.
    Cassandra sighed. “You don’t have to talk to him.”
    “I’m Zachary.” He gave me an appreciative once-over. “You must be new here.”
    “I am.” I made myself meet his eyes. It was hard to look at him directly; my eyes kept getting distracted by the strange bends in light around him. “Nice to meet you.” I extended my hand.
    “No, Persephone, don’t!” Cassandra reached out to block the Reaper’s hand. His fingers brushed mine and I fell to my knees screaming. Fire laced through my veins. Something ripped inside of me, trying to break free.
    “Shit! She’s alive?” Zachary sprang away from me, hands in the air.
    “Yes, she’s alive, you idiot!” Cassandra yelled. She knelt beside me. “Hades!”
    I gasped. My arms were crossed over my chest, gripping my shoulders to hold myself together. My vision swam. I doubled over, my head nearly touching the stone floor.
    “What happened?” Hades appeared in front of me. He knelt beside me, a frown marring his otherwise perfect face. He touched my shoulder and I cried out. Something within me shifted and suddenly the pain was gone.
    I stared up at him, breathing hard. “What—”
    Hades was already on his feet, turning on the Reaper. “What are you doing here?”
    “I didn’t know she was alive, I swear!”
    “I didn’t ask if you knew she was alive, I asked what you’re doing here.”
    “What happened?” I asked Cassandra when she offered me her hand and helped me up.
    “Reapers collect souls and bring them to the Underworld,” she explained.
    “Thanatos sent me. I was getting the list. I’m really sorry.” Zachary met my eyes. “I didn’t know you were alive.”
    That horrible feeling had been my soul? I stared at Zachary in disbelief. He looked terrified. I followed his gaze to Hades.
    “It was my fault. I shook his hand. I didn’t know that would happen.”
    Cassandra rolled her eyes. “He shouldn’t be here at all, and he knows it. You should be able to walk around freely in your own palace.”
    “Her own…” Zachary paled. “Oh shit. I mean, I’m really really sorry. I didn’t know we have a queen.”
    I opened my mouth to correct him, but Cassandra squeezed my hand.
    Hades looked at Cassandra, then back at Zachary. “Go find Thanatos and bring him to me.”
    Zachary stumbled away, apologizing with every step.
    “You okay?” Hades touched my shoulder and looked me over.
    I nodded, shaken. Hades looked concerned, so I cleared my throat and climbed to my feet. “I’m fine.” To my embarrassment I felt myself leaning into his touch. I snapped out of it and looked at Cassandra.

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