and sets aside their innate prejudice regarding faeries to give
Flint a chance to help us.
    “Good evening, everyone. Thank you for coming, I’ll
be brief so we can all get back home. I wanted to be sure you were
all aware that we have a newcomer to our community. I also wanted
to address any concerns you might have about his presence here.” I
pause to take a breath and gather my resolve. I gesture to where
Flint is leaning against the wall. “This is Flint. Yes, he is a
faery, but you have my word that he is not here to do any of us any
sort of harm.”
    Flint gives a two fingered wave and then crosses his
arms across his chest; looking around at the assembly, tension
apparent in his eyes and the set of his jaw, despite his lax
stature. I let the muttering go on for a minute and then continue.
“I want you all to remember that Flint is here with my permission.
He has promised me he means no harm to anyone who is on our side.
That means he is under my protection as well, and anyone who tries
to harm him will answer to our law.” I look around, trying to make
eye contact with every anxious looking man, woman and teenager who
is present. “Does anyone have any questions for me?” I ask finally,
knowing at least one person will have something to say.
    I don’t know why I’m surprised when my cousin Sean is
the person who stands up with his angry face intact and shouts,
“Have you lost your mind, Fianna? You’re telling us you’ve allowed
one of them into our city?”
    I bite back a sharp retort, trying to keep my face
calm, but Flint speaks up before I can. " Fi isn't the one
who was asleep at her post when I got here. That would be you .”
    Oh lovely, he had to choose now to divulge
that piece of information? I watch Sean’s already red face turn
purple with rage, and I slide off the table so I can more easily
put myself between my cousin and the Fae man should the need arise.
“Does anyone else have anything to add?” I ask the room at large,
and when no one responds I say, “Thank you all for coming. You know
where to find me if you have any questions or concerns. Have a good
    I quickly make my way to the side of the room where
Flint is still leaning against the wall and watch as my cousin
barrels over, knocking into people left and right. I glance up and
see my uncle motion to his sons to start putting the chairs back up
on the tables, and he starts over to help me diffuse the situation
with Sean. I turn to Flint and can’t hold in a grin. “Thank you for
that, I think.” I hear my cousin shout my name angrily and sigh;
the grin swiftly sliding off my face.
    I turn to meet him head-on, making sure I’m between
him and Flint and put my hand up. “Sean, calm down! It’s fine!”
    He shouts right over the top of my voice, apparently
not caring who hears what he has to say. “Have you forgotten that
your parents are dead and you are supposed to look out for
Eirnin? How could you let a stinking faery in the city? I can’t
believe your carelessness! Your mother would—” He stops when he
feels my uncle’s hand close over his shoulder in a silent
    Without meaning to, I’ve taken two steps towards him
with my hands clenched into fists so tight my fingernails are
cutting into my skin. My pulse is pounding in my ears and I shake
with rage. I don’t trust myself to speak, and I see my uncle pull
Sean back and step forward so he’s between us. His face is flushed,
a sure sign that his own temper is piqued. Looking over my cousin’s
shoulder I see my brother looking angrier than I’ve seen him before
he makes a beeline for the exit, and I am doubly furious with Sean
and his big mouth. I take a step, trying to swipe at my cousin
around my uncle’s bulk, but Seamus grabs me by the shoulders.
“Don’t worry, lass. I’ll send Aodhan after him. You deal with this
hothead.” He kisses the top of my head and lets me go; calling out
to the oldest of his sons to go after my

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