Harvest of Rubies

Free Harvest of Rubies by Tessa Afshar

Book: Harvest of Rubies by Tessa Afshar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tessa Afshar
Tags: Religión, Romance, Historical
withdraw, the queen mother turned herattention back to me. “Show my scribe here these discrepancies of which you speak.”
    I began to point Nebo to the difference in the strokes of the ink when Amestris barked, “Louder!”
    In her old-fashioned court, she considered it beneath her dignity to become directly involved in such plebian matters, yet she was also unwilling to give up the least bit of control. I thought how differently she directed her household from the queen and was grateful to work for the younger woman. Pitching my voice louder, I began my explanations once more, pointing to each letter, with Nebo following carefully. When I finished, Amestris nodded once and Nebo went to her side for a whispering conversation that I could not hear.
    Pari appeared at the door, and at my signal made her way to me with rapid steps.
    Glancing at the record to ensure it was the correct one, I handed it to Nebo. He studied it before engaging in another long whispering conversation with the queen mother. Finally Nebo stepped aside, and the queen mother’s attendant shouted, “You may leave.”
    I may leave?
But what was the verdict? I looked at Amestris in confusion, but could read nothing in her impassive face. Nebo gave me a reassuring smile, and having to be content with that, I took my official leave. I wondered what I could report to the queen.
Nebo smiled, so all is well?
    Damaspia demanded for every detail of my audience with Amestris. Far from being disappointed, she laughed like a child and clapped her hands. “What I wouldn’t have given to see her face. She hates to be proven wrong.”
    “It was not very entertaining, Your Majesty. Her face never changed expression; she certainly showed no sign of remorse for falsely accusing Frada.”
    The queen laughed. “She is like the Sphinx—old and expressionless. We can leave everything in her hands now.”
    I frowned. “Your Majesty, I doubt she will take any action. Why, she dismissed me without even telling me if she believed me.”
    “Oh she believes you, my little scribe, or you would have heard the sharp end of her tongue.”
    “I don’t think her tongue has any other end.”
    Damaspia’s eyes twinkled with merriment. I was proving to be quite entertaining apparently. I found it a heady experience, being in the confidence of the queen of Persia, basking in her approval.
    Suddenly I remembered that all danger was not yet passed. “What of the lady Alogune?” I feared greater mischief from a woman who had gone to such extremities already.
    Damaspia waved a hand. “The queen mother will take matters into her own hands. Amestris will not allow such maneuvering to go unpunished. You don’t tamper with the queen mother without suffering for it.”
    “What do you think she will do?” I asked in fascination.
    “She’ll go to the king, and Alogune will find herself packed up and back in the bosom of the mother who birthed her in Babylon. And here is the beauty: I shall not have to approach the king and complain of one of his dear concubines. His mother shall do me the service. To help herself, Amestris must help me.” The queen twirled with grace in the middle of her room. “How glorious an outcome! Not only have we foiled an injurious plot, but we have forced the queen mother to do our dirty work for us.”
    She laughed and tapped me on the cheek affectionately. “I am very pleased with you, scribe.”

    Now that my special assignment was over, I sent Pari back to the queen’s apartments. I missed the girl’s unobtrusive ministrations. She had proven to be a congenial and useful companion.
    Three days later, the queen’s men recovered Gaspar’s body. The queen told me it was inevitable; he had riled too many powerful people, and if someone had not done it in the dark of an alley, the king’s justice would have punished him as severely in the light of the day for daring to

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