quickly. She held her breath hearing her own heartbeat pounding in anticipation. She had watched him over the months. His senses were uncanny and when she asked Lydia what he was she always said everyone had to speak about themselves when they felt ready. Lucas had not told her anything about himself except that he was Fae, which seemed fine with New Ari but annoyed the life out of Old Ari.
    The dark study was eerie which normally she would enjoy, she like dark places where she could hide. As the study door opened she realized she didn’t want to hide.
    Lucas stepped through the study door. He watched her from the entrance of the door that he left ajar. He was learning about her, paying attention to the things that would set her off, closing the door would have been too much for her. He smirked taking another step, this one slow and purposeful. He held his hands at his sides, she noticed how large they really were. New Ari was planning her escape from the room but her old self shut it down. Ari took control and remained beside the window and the large curtain draping against her side.
    Her face flushed as she watched him cross the room slowly in silence. He never reached for her again knowing it would be a trigger to New Ari who hated men and tight spaces. She felt his warmth close in on her personal space. He loomed over her taking up the entire room as she could see it. He bent slowly lowering his face to hers, she never closed her eyes. She watched as his handsome face was lowered to hers. She had never kissed a boy before, she had never been touched romantically before. His soft warm lips brushed against hers sending an electric shiver through her body. His lips settled for a moment as if letting her get used to the feel of him against her then they deliberately moved sucking hers in, licking and pulling. She mimicked his movements letting him sweep her up into the moment. She never knew a moment could be so delicious and soft. New Ari even conceded she had never felt a passion so soft and sweet as this one. His hands crept along her sides, holding her hands. He smiled as he kissed her putting her hands on his chest. Her face reddened burning against his. She let her hands touch his chest, she let herself feel him. He was real and he was kind. She felt a tear slip from her eye. He pulled back looking at her, "Was it too fast Ari? Did I scare you?"
    She shook her head feeling silly, "No. It was perfect." She ducked her head confused. She wanted to run, both of her wanted to run, not from him but from the embarrassment until he did something neither of them expected.
    He bent kissing her cheek and wiping away her tear, "Sweet Ari."
    She kissed him, she pulled at him nearly toppling them both. He steadied himself lifting her off the ground. She felt her back against the wall, she felt his hands cupping her ass and she wanted to freeze but she couldn’t make herself. Her body was responding to him, sliding against his and writhing in the passion she could feel herself getting lost in. Still holding her in the air with one hand his other hand gripped her hair pulling her into the kiss. The slightest bit of pain shocked her back into reality and like any abuse victim she froze. His hands still tried to work their magic pulling her head to him. He didn’t realize for the first few seconds Ari had frozen, she had stopped moving and was letting him roam her mouth and face. She felt the anger welling inside, it scared her. She shook with building rage working out a plan in her mind. He placed her on the ground carefully and stepped back seeing the look on her face.
    "Where did you just go?"
    The anger was gone as his words hit her, "It wasn’t me, it’s the other me. Someone liked to pull her hair. He liked to hurt her." She winced twitching feeling lost inside herself.
    "Ari I would never hurt you. Never. I, well I would kill…"
    "No." She cut him off, "I know you wouldn’t hurt me but I can't do this. I'm broken Lucas. Even

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