
Free Whistleblower by Alysia S Knight

Book: Whistleblower by Alysia S Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alysia S Knight
small foil type package.
    “What’s this?” She studied the pouch.
    “Breakfast. A food pack. They’re not too bad. Go ahead.” He motioned. “You need to eat.”
    Marley shrugged, opened it and started to eat. “What’s next?”
    “We climb. Do you have a problem with heights? I should’ve asked earlier.”
    “No, not that I know of.”
    “Good, then I’ll go first. We don’t have time and equipment to do a belay system so I’ll tie you to me. That way, if you fall I can catch you.”
    “I’d pull you off too.” Her protest came immediately.
    “I can hold you. But if you feel yourself slipping, yell out ‘falling’ so I can prepare.”
    She gave him her first skeptical look but, after a second, nodded.
    “Think you can make it?”
    She glanced up at the cliff. “I think so.”
    An hour later, Marley felt the pull of muscle as she reached for another handhold. Gripping the rock, she raised her foot to a crack in the rock face and pushed her way up another two feet before repeating the process. Five feet above her, she could hear Zan and tilted her head back to look up at him. It was an intriguing view. He moved with cat-like ease, as if it was as simple as walking through the trees. Then again, to him, it probably was.
    A sense of pride filled her. She knew it wasn’t a tough climb. There were plenty of handholds and not much loose rock, but she was able to keep up with Zan. True, she was certain he slowed his pace some for her, but not much. The first few feet were tentative for her, but she quickly decided she liked the stretch of her muscles and the adventure of the challenge.
    She glanced back behind her. She also found she was definitely not afraid of heights. She felt a wave of exaltation at the view. They were about three-quarters of the way up; a good three hundred feet. Above her, she heard Zan move and turned her attention on her next handhold.
    “Doing good, Doc.”
    Marley gave up trying to figure out if it was a question, compliment or a phrase just to keep her going. She decided she liked the way he called her Doc. His voice almost seemed to drop, making it a caress. Though she was probably just starved for male attention, it felt like an endearment to her. Especially, after he commented several times on how good she was doing.
    “This is,” she paused then, unable to keep it back, “amazing,” she said finishing out the sentence.
    “You are definitely a natural climber. I can’t believe you haven’t done this before.”
    “Me either. Even on my own, I still let work take over too much of my life. I thought I was doing better, going out running and putting in my garden, but I’m still missing out a lot.”
    “You like to garden?” he asked keeping his voice in the same hushed tones he’d encouraged her to use earlier so the sound wouldn’t carry far.
    “I’m not sure if ‘like’ is the word. I feel satisfaction in it and love the flowers. My condo doesn’t have much yard, but I’ve made a wonderful place to relax and unwind.”
    “What else do you like to do in your spare time?”
    “I like to cook. After I graduated and got my own place, I took some cooking classes and found I was quite good at it. It’s kind of like doing a chemistry experiment.” Above her, she heard Zan laugh softly.
    “I don’t think I’ve thought of it that way. Usually, I’m thinking of it as something to eat, that tastes good. Guy thing, but I’m not bad in the kitchen.”
    “Your chili was good.”
    “Thank you.” He was silent a minute then asked. “Tell me about your sister. Does she still live at home?”
    “No, she married right after high school. Julie and her husband live not far from my parents. Her husband manages one of his father’s car dealerships. They have a little girl now. Julie is the complete opposite of me. She takes after my mother’s side, while I take after my father’s. She’s petite, blonde and peppy. She can play the helpless airhead very well, but

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