STEEL TEMPTATION (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

Free STEEL TEMPTATION (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) by London Casey, Karolyn James

Book: STEEL TEMPTATION (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) by London Casey, Karolyn James Read Free Book Online
Authors: London Casey, Karolyn James
and killed.
    With his other hand, Nate grabbed
the bottom of Mia ’ s shirt.
He pulled it up with force, his fingertips slicing under her bra. He ripped it
up to her chin, exposing her perfect little tits. Her nipples were small,
pointed, her tits creamy and made for sucking on.
    “ Fucking
hell, ” Nate growled. “ They ’ re fucking perfect. ”
    Mia let out a whimper as he came
forward, kissing her breasts. His tongue circled her nipples, flirting and
enjoying how she breathed and moved. He moved his mouth over her left breast
and sucked hard. Mia cried out and thrust her chest at him, trying to stay with
him. Nate brought his hand up from her pussy and stuck it into her panties. He
thrust two fingers into her pussy with ease, sliding along her slickness,
feeling her throb against him.
    Back and forth, in and out, quickly
needing to go for the kill. He wanted Mia to fucking come all over his fingers.
Feeling that gooey wetness clinging to his fingers as she cried his name.
    Nate sucked and pulled off her tit.
He purposely let his teeth graze hard against her nipple. She cried out, her
hand squeezing harder at his cock.
    Soon, babe, you ’ ll have my dick … soon …
    Nate saw how raw and red Mia ’ s tit was. It only seemed right
to make the other one match. He gently kissed her, teasing as she breathed
wildly. He jammed his two fingers deep into her pussy and opened his mouth
wide. He engulfed her tit and pulled back with a hard suckle. Mia writhed and
yelled until her voice cracked.
    When he pulled away from her chest,
Nate looked at Mia. She was taken off guard by all this and that was fucking
    His eyes locked with hers and he
curled his lip. “ Fucking
come. Right now. ”
    Mia ’ s
bottom lip quivered. “ I ’ m … so close …”
    “ Good,
babe, ” Nate said.
    His fingers slammed into her again,
twisting, pulling back. There wasn ’ t
much room to work with because of her fucking jeans and panties, but it was all
good. She was warm, wet, the smell of her pussy filling the room. Nate gritted
his teeth and moved back to Mia ’ s
body. He skipped her tits this time and let the tip of his tongue flirt down
her belly.
    That ’ s
when she started to go wild. He was hunched over, on his knees on a concrete
floor, his hungry tongue seeking out pussy. It was wild, but it was exactly
what Nate could ever ask for.
    He tasted below her belly button,
down to her bare and smooth mound. The scent of her body filled his nose even
more. Fucking hell, he was certainly staking his claim on her. Over and
    “ Nate,
I ’ m …”
    Mia touched the back of his head
and cried out. Her legs stiffened and her hips started to convulse. Nate didn ’ t even get to taste her pussy
before she started to come.
    That was fine though. He ’ d get it all later. Whenever the
fuck he wanted it.
    As Mia came, she put her hands to
the floor and lifted her body. Moving left to right, those sexy hips worked
with her own needs and wants. The throb of her insides made Nate wonder how in
the fuck he ’ d fit his cock
into and stay there when she came.
    Holy fuck … she was amazing …
    Nate slowly eased up on her body
and then brought his hands up out of her jeans. He ran his fingers along her
mound and belly, leaving a trail of her own wetness.
    When he looked at her again, he
lost it.
    Nate hurried to his feet,
positioning himself in front of her. He put a hand to the wall and reached down
to his jeans with the other hand. He was too hard, too full, too ready to just
slow down. Fuck, Mia already had him halfway there, just sitting there with her
jeans open, shirt and bra pulled up. And, yeah, the idea that her wrists were
locked up to chains turned him on too.
    Fuck it … it worked.
    Nate unzipped his jeans and grabbed
at his thick cock. He wrestled himself free and then put his other hand to the
wall. There were no words needed for what was going to happen next.
    Mia ’ s
eyes went wide. She reached up and tried to

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