Her Shameful Secret
Isabella want to crumple up in pain. She’d seen pictures of the sophisticated lady. She was beautiful, from aprominent Italian family. She would be an asset to Antonio while Isabella had been a liability.
    “I am committed to being in this child’s life. From this moment on. Whenever I am needed I’ll be there.”
    “Antonio, you don’t know the first thing about commitment.”
    “How can you say that? I have always met my obligations. I have a duty to—”
    She raised her hand to stop him. “I am not your obligation and you have no duty to my child,” she said fiercely. “I am solely responsible for my baby and I don’t want your help.”
    He gave an arrogant shrug. “Too bad because you already have it.”
    “Your type of help will be more like interference and influence.” She stopped as she thought of her words yesterday. You have no rights over me or my child . That was what this was all about. Isabella closed her eyes as anger washed over her. Oh, she was so stupid for not realizing it sooner. “You want to control the power and the money Giovanni gave to me.”
    “No,” he said through clenched teeth.
    “Are you worried that I would squander the family fortune? Or that I will abuse my power?” She shook her head. “Don’t worry. I didn’t ask for this kind of responsibility. I don’t even want it. But I’m doing it to protect my child’s interests.”
    “If you don’t want the responsibility I can help you with that. If the tests prove that this child is Giovanni’s I’ll pay you a lump sum in exchange for your interest in the Rossi empire. You will have millions more dollars at your fingertips instantly and you won’t have to make any business decisions.”
    Isabella noticed he’d come up with the alternative quickly. It was almost as if he’d been waiting to present it. “And you won’t have to deal with me or my baby,” she pointed out sweetly.
    Antonio’s nostrils flared as he reined in his temper. “My commitment to you and the baby would remain the same.”
    “It’s a tempting offer,” she said with exaggerated politeness, “but I’ll have to think about it.”
    Isabella turned away as she battled conflicting emotions. She’d known Antonio had an ulterior motive, but she was filled with disappointment because she was right.
    She knew better than to accept Antonio’s help. He’d said he was fully committed, but what he really meant was that he would be committed until he could get full control of the Rossi money. The minute he got what he wanted Antonio would discard her from his life with the same ruthlessness as before.
    “Committed? Yeah, right.”
    “What was that?” Antonio was right behind her. She felt his heat and his towering strength.
    Isabella knew she should let it go, but the anger was building up inside her. She slowly turned around, wondering if this was the smartest move, and confronted Antonio. “I think your definition of commitment is different from mine. You couldn’t commit to me, but now you’ll pledge a lifetime of commitment to a child?”
    Antonio clenched his teeth and a muscle bunched in his jaw. “You question my ability to commit when you are the one who cheated?” His harsh voice was almost a whisper.
    “I didn’t cheat,” she said with a weary sigh. “Notthat it matters. If Giovanni hadn’t come up with that story I’m sure you would have found another reason to dump me.”
    Antonio’s eyes darkened as tension crackled around them. “That’s not true.”
    “It is. Men like you don’t do relationships.” She had been warned, but she hadn’t listened. She’d thought what she’d had with Antonio had been different. Special. That it would beat the odds.
    “Men like me?”
    “You have money, power and so many choices.” And she’d had nothing to offer to make him want to stay. “Why make a commitment when something new and exciting, something better, is just around the corner?”
    Antonio grabbed her wrist and

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