[Ravage MC 03.75] - Rattle Me

Free [Ravage MC 03.75] - Rattle Me by Ryan Michele

Book: [Ravage MC 03.75] - Rattle Me by Ryan Michele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Michele
to have a happy, healthy baby. Right now, everything is great. You need to help her keep it that way.” The doctor turns her eyes to Casey. “You are doing fantastic with this pregnancy. I know it is hard not to worry about losing the baby, but you need to try to focus on something else. Have you thought about a baby room yet?”
    “No. I was too afraid to.” I squeeze Angel’s hand at her words, knowing how hard they are for her. “I didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
    “Well, you need to. You are about four-and-a-half months pregnant now, which means you are halfway to having a baby and if by some reason this baby comes early, you will want to be prepared.”
    Angel’s eyes light up to the point of actually sparkling, something I haven’t seen in a really long time and I fucking love it. “We’re having a baby.” She smiles and it envelops the whole damn room.
    “Yeah, baby. We sure are.” I kiss her mouth and pour every drop of love I have into the kiss. A cough in the room is the only reason I pull away. I look at the doctor who is smiling ear-to-ear.
    “Okay, you two, we are going to monitor her for a while here then you can go home, but you need to work on ways to deal with the stress. Find a focus, understand?”
    “Yes, ma’am. I’ll make sure she stays as stress-free as I can, even if I have to chain her to the bed.” I smirk.
    “Now, Mr. Gavelson. I’m not sure that’s the best way.” She laughs. “But if that calms her, by all means.”
    “Yeah! That would not calm me!” Angel laughs, smacking my arm.
    I feign hurt. “See what I deal with?” It’s nice that we actually feel like laughing. The baby is great and now I need to make sure Angel is the same.

    When GT told me the woman’s name was Stage, I about fell over. Stage is an ol’ lady who worked the pole at X, but got caught with drugs and was fired. Drama. He says the reason he was with her was something for the baby, but he doesn’t want to ruin the surprise. He even told me that he’d tell me what it is to make me feel better, but he really wanted to wait. So, I let him wait. The last time ended up in such a mess. So, I’m trusting him but it hasn’t been easy.
    GT’s been doing a lot of club work lately, more than normal. I don’t ask because it would be a waste of breath and really, I don’t want to know. The less I know, I think the better. Harlow, Ma, Blaze, and Bella have all come to visit me during the days and nights he’s gone. I’ve told him that I’m fine, but he doesn’t listen. He has the me-right-you-wrong thing down pat, and I just don’t fight him. Truth is, I worry about him more than myself a lot of the time, but I try my damnedest to relax. It’s not easy.
    Classes ended and I passed all of them, so I didn’t have school to occupy my time and I spent lots of it in the office.
    At our last sonogram about two weeks ago, Dr. Hernandez said that everything still looked on target and normal, so I’ve been forcing myself to relax about losing this baby. It hasn’t been easy at all. Sometimes, the stress wins, but I’ve been curbing it as much as possible. But I’m happy and excited and can’t wait to meet this little one inside of me.
    It’s been about six weeks since I got out of the hospital and GT brought me home and has un-fucked up as best he can. He’s a guy, though, so it’s very hard for him.
    Today, Ma and Harlow are picking me up and for the first time, we are going shopping for the baby’s room. We still don’t know the sex of the baby, because he or she won’t cooperate during the sonograms. I think it’s gotta be a boy since it’s stubborn as shit like its daddy. GT is chomping at the bit to know if it’s a boy or a girl. Me, I’m not sure I want to know. I kind of like the idea of a surprise.
    I finish pulling my pants up, the ones with elastic around the top that look like absolute shit but are comfortable as hell. My stomach isn’t huge, but the doctor said

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