It's All Relative

Free It's All Relative by S.C. Stephens

Book: It's All Relative by S.C. Stephens Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.C. Stephens
were smiling at each other. Now that Jessie was looking for it, she thought she could spot some similarity to her in the bridge of his nose, the fullness of his lips. It was fleeting though, and she really could have been seeing something simply because she was told to see it; like a shape in the clouds, because someone let you know it was there. In all honesty, his looks were unlike anything she’d ever seen before. A beautiful blending of genetics that made him his own person, inside and outside.
    When they got back to their grandmother’s room, she was staring at the ceiling, seemingly lost in thought. Jessie hoped she wasn’t thinking about her odd, dramatic exit. She really should have handled that better, but finding out she’d slept with a relative wasn’t exactly something that happened to her every day. There was no way she could have possibly been prepared for that shock.
    Gram’s contemplative expression changed when she finally noticed that Kai and Jessie had reentered the room. She gave them both bright smiles as she patted the bed. “You two all right?”
    Kai sat on the edge of the mattress while Jessie sat in a nearby chair. Gently folding his fingers over the old woman’s hand, he warmly said, “We’re fine, Gran. But how are you? Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?”
    Their grandmother laughed as she patted his hand. “I’m fine, dear. They’re taking good care of me here. I’ll think they’ll keep me for a few days, just to watch over me.” She grunted in annoyance and rolled her eyes. “It’s completely unnecessary. I could hop on a horse if I needed to. I could swing dance, if I had a good partner.” She raised a suggestive eyebrow at Kai, clearly asking him if he’d consider it.
    He laughed at her implied request, and the sound was warm, light, and full of love. “Maybe when you’re better, Gran.” Jessie could easily see him putting up with that possible humiliation for Grams. It was a sweet thought, and a painful one too; she remembered all too well what it was like to dance with him.
    Jessie let out a soft laugh, but it quickly turned into a wistful sigh. Her grandmother gave her an odd glance, and Jessie immediately pushed away that regret, and replaced it with another one. Placing her hand on Grams’s arm, she softly said, “I’m so sorry I was late this morning.”
    Kai looked equally remorseful. “Yeah, and I’m sorry I didn’t visit sooner. I was running a little slow this morning.” He looked at Jessie. Her stomach clenched, but she gave him a soft smile. They could get through this.
    Grams studied the two of them for a moment, then shook her head. “I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m a grown woman. I don’t need the two of you fretting over me, like I’m some invalid. I slipped. Happens every day. Probably happens to the two of you on occasion.” Jessie had to bite her lip at that. If she only knew. But no, she couldn’t ever know. No one could. While Jessie schooled her features, her grandmother pursed her thin lips and told them, “I don’t mind you both coming to visit me, but I can take care of myself.”
    With a shake of his head, Kai gave her a warm smile, then leaned forward and kissed her head. “All right, Gran.”
    The display of affection made Jessie softly sigh. He was charming, caring, thoughtful, and hot. It really wasn’t fair. But few things were, and dwelling on what she couldn’t have wouldn’t help her. Returning her attention to her grandmother, Jessie smiled and said, “Okay, Grams. What can we do for you then?”
    Grams eyed the two of them oddly for a moment, and Jessie thought she saw some hidden knowledge in the woman’s warm brown eyes. It was gone before she could be sure though. Lips twisting into a smile, she patted Jessie’s hand and told her, “Jessica Marie, my dear, why don’t you and Kai go through my place and get rid of that old furniture for me. I was going to have the church come take it, but as Kai

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