Fighting Me

Free Fighting Me by Cat Mason

Book: Fighting Me by Cat Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Mason
Charlie some cash. “That should more than cover the bill.”
    “I didn’t realize y’all were ready for your check.” Thumbing through the cash, she shakes her head. “There’s over two hundred dollars here.”
    “Keep whatever’s left,” I tell her, almost apologetic. “Things are about to get crazy,” I explain, pointing outside to the quickly filling parking lot.
    “Ready?” Mack asks, coming up behind me and clapping me on the shoulder.
    “We’ve got one shot at this, and I need you focused,” I murmur, my eyes still pinned on the lot.
    “It’s not me you should be worried about, Big Man.” His reply is firm. “It’s your head she’s here to fuck with,” he says, pointing out Kat in the mix of guys.
    He’s right.
    There is no doubt in my mind that she thought coming here would set me off my game. That me seeing her after all this time would shake me up to the point that I’d make a mistake.
    That’s not how this is going down. There is plenty of time for me to stew on this shit later. Right now I have to get everyone to the large eighteen passenger van we rented at the airport and get the hell out of here.
    The minute everyone gets behind Mack and me, I take a breath. “Everyone stays together and behind us. We get into the van and we are out of here. Do not, under any circumstances, speak to or engage them in anyway, no matter what bullshit they spew at you.”
    “Is that—” Chase starts.
    “No way would that fuckin’ bitch show her face…” Hunter interrupts, coming to stand behind me. “Big Man, this is—”
    “Nothing for any of you to be concerned with,” I interrupt, stepping up to grab the door handle. “Out the doors and to the van. Are we clear?”
    Mack takes his place, flanking me to my right and I push the doors open. Instantly everyone is on us. Flash bulbs go off and everyone’s names are being shouted. I immediately go into robot mode. Shielding the guys as best I can while they tuck their girls into their sides. Mack flings open the van door, shoving Rae and the kids inside as I shove back the crowd.
    “Are you here to get married this weekend?”
    “What about the allegations of Hunter and Chase marrying being a publicity stunt to promote the upcoming album release?”
    “Is Chase pregnant?”
    “Hello, Henry.”
    The voice stops me in my tracks. Slamming the van door when Mack climbs up into the driver’s seat, I turn and come face to face with Katheryn. “I take it no one missed me,” she purrs arrogantly.
    I don’t say a word. Moving around her, I open the passenger side door and climb into the van. “I had hoped you’d be happier to see me.” Katheryn shrugs, a smile playing on her lips. “Don’t worry, darling, we’ll be seeing plenty of each other now that I’m running the new and improved site. We debuted the new site and design as soon as we got wind of wedding planning.” Looking over at Hunter, she smiles. “Congratulations, Hunter. They’re already placing bets online for how long you’re marriage lasts before Chase is pulling groupies off your dick.”
    “You fuckin’ bitch,” Hunter growls, grabbing the seat in front of him. “You have no right—”
    “Good luck with that, Katheryn. I’m sure you’re researching every angle so you don’t fuck up and lose your credibility again,” I interrupt Hunter, before he says anything he’ll regret later. When I go to shut the door, she grabs it and steps closer. “Mack, drive the fuckin’ van.”
    “You don’t look happy, Henry. In fact, you look downright miserable.” Satisfaction flashes on her face. “I’m glad. After the way you tossed me away, you deserve your misery.”
    I jerk the door away, slamming it shut. She kisses two fingers before pressing them to the window. “See you soon,” she mouths. Mack slams on the gas pedal, causing the van to screech out of the parking lot.
    “I’ll be damned,” Hunter mutters. “That chick is worse than a

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