Her Lucky Cowboy

Free Her Lucky Cowboy by Jennifer Ryan

Book: Her Lucky Cowboy by Jennifer Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Ryan
regretted his past. He’d had a lot of fun, but what had it really gotten him? Lonely lying in a hospital bed.
    “Dinner was good. Who doesn’t love an all-you-can-eat buffet?”
    “You. I’ve seen you walking around with your Greek yogurt, fruit, and salads. Look at you, the epitome of tone and fit. Runner? Swimmer?”
    “Both.” Huh, the man paid attention . Yes, to every woman.
    “Figures. So I guess flowers and a huge box of chocolates wouldn’t be enough to say thank you for all you’ve done.”
    “Isn’t that what you get a woman for Valentine’s Day?”
    “I guess. I don’t do Valentine’s Day.”
    “Right. That might mean something.”
    “Exactly. See, you get me, Doc.”
    Yeah, she got him. “While I like to live a healthy lifestyle, chocolate is a food group and should be enjoyed as often as possible.”
    “Like sex.”
    “Excuse me?”
    “Well, it’s not a food group, but it should be enjoyed as often as possible.”
    “Not in your condition. How are the ribs?”
    “Trust me, honey, nothing would stop me from having sex. The ribs are sore, but manageable.”
    She ignored the “honey.” The man couldn’t help himself. Still, she didn’t know what had gotten into him this morning. Was he trying to piss her off?
    “The physical therapist said you did well on the crutches.”
    “I zipped around the corridor and nurse’s station, no problem.”
    She’d heard all the comments from the nurses about Dane’s good looks, hot body, and ever-ready smile. They recounted the woes everyone had over not being the one to give him a sponge bath last night. He’d actually asked for privacy and done it himself.
    “Is Brandy going home with you today?”
    “Why would she do that?”
    “You’ll need someone to help you at home until you can move around better.”
    “I’ll get by. My brothers and sisters will look out for me. My mom and dad will be there for a couple of days when I get home, but then they’re off to Paris for a couple of weeks.”
    “Paris. Wow. I bet they’re excited.”
    “Mom loves Ella’s apartment there. It’s their second trip.”
    “Must be nice to have such a rich sister with an apartment in Paris.”
    Dane shrugged. “I guess. She makes Gabe happy, and that’s all that matters.”
    She didn’t expect that answer from him.
    “So, Doc, are we out of here or what?” Dane leaned up, turned on the bed, and let his legs dangle over the edge. He sucked in a breath, trying to stave off the pain.
    “What hurts?”
    “Ribs. Leg. My back. Take your pick.”
    “What’s your pain level?”
    “Irritable and ready to go home.”
    “So, like a six?”
    “When’s the last time you got your meds?” She flipped open his chart to look it up.
    “Doc, come on. After five days, I want the hell out of here.”
    “You didn’t have any pain meds this morning. Why?”
    “They make me groggy. If I can’t get up and stand on my own, you won’t let me out of here.”
    “Dane, that’s not true. Besides, you’re not leaving here on your feet. You’re leaving and staying in a wheelchair for at least a week while those bones and your torn muscles mend. I made that clear. The physical therapist made that clear.”
    “I can’t sit around on my ass all day doing nothing.”
    Clearly something else was bothering him. She cocked her head and studied him.
    “Stop looking at me that way.”
    “Tell me what it is.”
    “What? It’s nothing. I want to go home.”
    “Before, you weren’t ready to go home and start your new life. Now, you can’t wait. What’s changed?”
    “Nothing. I’m tired. That’s all. How’s your head? Are you good?”
    Again she studied him, trying to read whatever he didn’t want her to see. “I’m fine. But you’re not.”
    “I want to go.”
    “Not until you tell me what’s bothering you.”
    “You. You’re bothering me. I can’t stop thinking about you.” He blurted out the words, then covered his face with both hands

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