The Mistress
shift and his shoulders tighten. What was he doing? Just when she was about to ask, he slapped her ass animatedly and galloped as if he was riding a horse. Which was ridiculous, really. He was the one carrying her .
    Before she knew it, they were in their bedroom. He threw her to the bed, which she had only just left, and pointed down to her. “Stay here; we’re making you breakfast,” he demanded with a laugh. She loved his laugh. His eyes and his laugh were so innocent at times, each holding a child-like presence that she had always been fond of. Sadly, she didn’t witness it as much as she would have liked, but doing so at this moment made her feel something intense.
    “Come here!” she demanded as she pulled at his arms roughly. He collapsed into her and she whispered in his ears, “Be quick... but I want you to fuck me. And I want you to fuck me good.”
    “The kids,” he began to protest, but when her lips crashed against his he fell into a lust-filled trance. He kissed her back with a passionate fierceness.
    “The door is open,” he stated in between kisses. She looked at him, smiled coyly, and clawed his chest’s flesh. She wasn’t letting him get off of her.
    “You’re bad,” he smiled. “Do you know how bad girls get fucked?”
    “Do tell..” she replied with a burning hot confidence that she rarely exhibited.
    “Rough. Hard. Without fucking mercy,” he responded, tearing at her pajama pants, pulling them down.
    Oh, yes. Please do . Marissa’s mind was swimming in a pool of pure, unadulterated lust, and he was her husband. How lucky was she? If she knew anything, she knew that Preston was always ready for a good fuck. This time, though, she was the one ready for it.
    He was always good in bed, but part of her hoped that he would put on the best performance of his life. They hadn’t been engaging in much sex as of late, and now – two days in a row – she was ready to pounce on him like a panther in heat.
    “Promise?” Her voice was thick and sultry, trying to convey her wants. She pulled his pants down just enough so that his cock was exposed. After all, if they got caught, she would rather them not be completely naked.
    He smiled evilly as his hands grasped at her naked thighs and he pulled her to him with a ferocious determination. Oh yes . She wanted him to fuck her hard. “This is what bad girls get,” is all she heard before she felt his muscular arms latch onto her thighs and flip her entire body over so that her ass was facing him. He pulled her back end up and smacked her bum lightly at first, but then again – harder.
    “You’re so wet...” His voice was husky and dark as he slid his finger across her already wet core.
    “Stop talking and – ah!”
    He entered her from behind in one rough stroke. “Oh yeah, ‘ah’ is right,” he whispered darkly into her ear. “You’re soaking. Do you know how good you feel – all hot and slippery like this?”
    “Fuck me harder!” she moaned against the sheets as she gripped at them. She was hoping the kids wouldn’t investigate, but it felt too good to stop now.
    “Your mouth gets so dirty when you’re worked up,” he mused.
    Just as she was about to respond, he hammered inside of her harder than he ever had before. His thrusts drove her into the mattress with force. She moaned heavily, her breath becoming ragged. His fingers tightened on her hips and he pressed his body even closer to her. He took the flesh of her neck into his mouth and sucked hard. He wanted to brand her, make her his. Taking this realization in while he continued to hit her g-spot violently, she came.
    What’s more, and much to her eventual delight – he didn’t stop. He kept fucking her in the same, steady but rough rhythm that had driven her wild just moments before. Her toes curled more and more with every thrust. “More,” he panted harshly as he leaned over her further and slid his hand to envelope hers; their fingers interlaced together in a

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