Down the Shore
decided to stay in the water for a few minutes and try my luck at floating—feeling the water, the sun beating down on my face. The waves caressed my body, over and under, and lulled me as I felt myself drifting out farther. I didn't want to stop; I just kept floating. I decided to open my eyes after a few minutes of heaven. It all happened so fast I had ventured farther out than I realized, and I no longer knew if anyone could see me.
    There was no whistle blowing, no one yelling me to bring it in. I waved my hands in the air, gasping between the new waves crashing over me. I finally caught the attention of the lifeguard, the one who was whistling earlier. He jumped into the boat, the oars once attached to the side now firmly in his hands. He reached me within minutes, yanking me over the side into the boat. That had never happened to me in all the years I had come down to the shore. It made me stop and think how lucky I had been. My parents always kept an eye on us, even though my brother and I were great swimmers. I simply forgot no one was looking out for me.
    "Thanks, I don't know what happened,” I said under panting breath, my heart racing, my body shivering.
    He wrapped a towel quickly around my shoulders, “Are you okay?"
    "I'm fine, just embarrassed.” I looked toward the beach.
    "You need to be careful. Don't go out so far next time, okay? The undertows are pretty strong today. We almost didn't see you."
    Everyone on the entire beach stared at me, and Makenna waited at the water's edge for my safe arrival.
    She attacked the boat. “Jesus Christ, Abby, can you please be more careful? I really don't want to call your parents and say you died drifting off to sea.
    "Sorry, the waves and current were a little stronger than I thought.” That was all I said. I had gotten caught up in my thoughts. I had a new boyfriend and I wasn't sure, but it felt like something, and then there was Colin. He called me beautiful. I knew I had no prior experience with love, but I believed I was heading right for it, whether I wanted it or not.
    Nick appeared out of nowhere as I walked back to my towel to dry off and get the sand off my body. He jogged down the beach, coming toward me. He dripped sweat from running. He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.
    "Hey, babe.” He planted a kiss on my lips.
    Was this love? I didn't know, but it sure felt like it could be. He was perfect, I kept telling myself. I couldn't help but admire his tanned, sweaty body in front of me.
    Before I could explain what had happened, Makenna told him about the almost drowning incident. He pulled me closer to his chest. “Don't go out there without me or someone, please,” he begged, kissing the tip of my nose.
    "I'm a good swimmer, but the current took me a little farther than I thought. Really, I was in no danger,” I assured him.
    He rubbed my hair back and kissed my shoulder.
    "Whatta ya’ doing tonight?” he asked, leaning into me.
    "Gotta work until ten,” I told him.
    "After?” He gazed at me, and I could only think of being with him.
    "After,” I confirmed.
    He smiled and touched my face. We walked back to my towel holding hands. He rubbed sunblock on my back, gently caressing every ounce of exposed skin. We laid there for another hour or so soaking in the sun. It was getting late and as the afternoon wore on, I knew I had to go get ready for my first night as a real waitress. I hated leaving. I didn't want to leave him there. So I asked him to walk me back.
    "Walk me home?"
    "You bet.” He jumped up and brushed the sand off his calves.
    We walked hand in hand the two blocks back to the house. I needed to take a shower, and I could feel his presence strongly invading my space. Part of me wished I never asked him to come home with me. “Will I see you after work, then? When I get back?"
    "Yeah, but later in the night, ‘kay? We're heading to the OD tonight, not sure what time we'll get back."
    The OD was a bar called Ocean Drive in Sea

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