Poison Me Sweetly

Free Poison Me Sweetly by Dani Matthews

Book: Poison Me Sweetly by Dani Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Matthews
Jeremy, and
AJ wouldn't be caught dead on the dance floor.
    “I learned a long time ago women like to dance, and I
don't like being side-lined.”
    I have to admit that Caleb's entertaining me. The
darkness has lifted, and I find myself giving over to his antics as I begin to
dance. We move well together, our moves similar. Soon the space between our
bodies begins to disappear as I relax. The tequila's kicking in, and Caleb's
been getting closer and closer to me while I barely notice. It's not too long
before both his hands are on my hips possessively as our hips brush against one
another in a sexy grind.
    It's then that I start noticing just how enticing he
really is tonight.
    I'm liking the way his biceps bunch as he grips my body,
or the way his shirt clings to his abs, allowing me to see the fine outline of
his rigid muscles as they move when he rubs his body against me. I'm beyond
turned on as his jean clad thighs brush mine. With the thinness of my dress, I
can feel every single brush or touch of his body. He's aware of it too, because
once in a while he deliberately brushes his upper body against mine, slowly.
When he does this, I can feel it through my bra and pleasure streaks through
me. Our bodies are seducing one another while Caleb's face hovers close to
mine. He doesn't try to kiss me, and I am thankful for that. My body's so
attuned to his right now. I know that every move he makes is deliberate, and
seduction is definitely on his mind. I'm helplessly aware that if he kisses me,
I'll be leaving with him. He's too irresistible. Yet, I can't pull away.
    Caleb chooses that moment to move in closer—if that's
even possible. His lips brush my ear as he says, “I want to be your paramedic;
I'm mouth to mouth certified.”
    Another pick-up line is the last thing I expect, and
it lightens the seductiveness of the moment. Laughter bubbles up from my throat
as I pull back and look up at him. “Do those really work?”
    He arches an eyebrow, deliberately glancing down at our
bodies that are still pressed up against one another. “Do you really have to
    I shake my head. “What do you do, surf the net for
pick-up lines? We both know you don't need them.”
    “Evidently, I do with you,” he says dryly.
    “Why me?”
    He meets my curious gaze. “Just trying to get your
attention. And no, I don't research pick-up lines. A friend of mine back home
likes to use them as conversation starters. Most of the time it works, and once
in a while it doesn't.”
    I shake my head and pull away from him. “I'm thirsty.”
His eyes light up, his mouth opening. “Don't even think about it,” I laugh as I
turn and walk away, knowing he'll be right on my heels.
    When I reach the bar, Caleb snakes an arm around my
waist, his head bending low to mine as he says, “ Ask
for water or soda.”
    I tilt my head slightly so I can pointedly meet his
gaze. “I'm not going home with you.”
    “Keep saying it if it makes you feel better.”
    “You're incorrigible,” I say as I step up to the bar.
When the bartender looks at me expectantly, I order a tequila and hear Caleb
sigh from behind me. When the shot glass is set in front of me, I reach for it,
but Caleb beats me to it. He downs it before I can do or say anything, causing
me to stare at him. That was mine.
    He flashes me a smile. “Thanks.” He motions to the
bartender and asks for water.
    Two minutes later, I'm walking away from the bar with
a water in my hand while Caleb walks beside me. I don't know how he does it.
Maybe it's because he's just so playful. Either way, I need to watch myself, or
he'll talk me right out of my panties before I'm even aware of it.

Chapter four
    After I'm properly hydrated, Caleb coaxes me back out on
the dance floor. I'm smart enough to know I should be leaving right about now.
Alone. But Caleb's playfulness tonight

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