
Free Sisters by Patricia MacDonald

Book: Sisters by Patricia MacDonald Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia MacDonald
minute,’ said Garth. ‘They were both our daughters.’
    Elaine’s tone was bitter. ‘Do you have any children?’
    Alex shook her head.
    ‘I didn’t think so. You couldn’t possibly understand.’
    Alex got up from her chair. ‘What I don’t really understand is what you intended to accomplish by coming here.’
    Elaine stood up and Garth followed suit. He put a protective hand under his wife’s elbow. Elaine looked again at the photo on the mantle. ‘I came to pay a debt. I felt that I owed it to your mother.’
    ‘My mother? Did you know my mother?’
    ‘Not at all. We never met. But many years ago, your mother gave me a precious gift. I wanted a baby, more than anything in the world, and I wasn’t able to conceive. When your mother gave up her baby, she made all my dreams come true.’
    ‘Dory,’ said Alex.
    Elaine turned away from the photo, buttoned up her coat and knotted the belt. ‘Be careful what you wish for,’ she said.

    T he next morning Alex sat at her computer with a cup of coffee after a sleepless night, feeling as if her heart was made of lead. There was no denying the impression that the Colsons’ visit had made on her. If they did not believe in Dory, why was she trying to see the good in her? The Colsons didn’t seem like cruel or crazy people. Maybe they were right. After all, everyone in prison claimed to be innocent – even those who had committed the most heinous crimes.
    She had bookmarked some of the most thorough articles about Dory’s case. She read over them again, this time with a feeling of despair. The motive had been jealousy, ostensibly over this boyfriend, a doctor named Rick Howland, but Dory’s parents seemed to feel that this was just an excuse. That Dory would have murdered Lauren sooner or later, no matter what. Alex Googled Rick Howland under physicians in Boston and found that there was a podiatrist of that name practicing on Huntington Avenue. She hesitated for a moment then dialed the number on her screen. She asked the receptionist for an appointment as soon as possible.
    ‘Is it an emergency?’ the receptionist asked.
    Alex wondered what might constitute an emergency in podiatry. ‘I’m in a lot of pain,’ she said, realizing that this was, in fact, the truth.
    The receptionist offered her an appointment at noon. Alex thanked her and hung up. Just then the doorbell rang and Alex picked up her coffee cup and went to answer it. This time it actually was Seth Paige on the front step. Her heart barely registered the fact that he was there. In the light of day he looked different. Normal. She felt like an alien encountering a human. ‘Hi,’ she said dully.
    ‘I came to look at your dad’s books,’ he said. ‘Is this a good time?’
    ‘Good as any,’ Alex continued in a dull voice.
    He followed her into the house.
    ‘They’re in here,’ she said.
    Seth walked into the office and gave a cursory glance at the shelves of books. ‘Wow,’ he said. ‘What a great collection. I’d like to have all of them.’
    ‘Take ’em,’ said Alex.
    Seth frowned and turned to look at her. ‘What’s the matter with you?’ he asked.
    Alex shook her head. ‘Long story.’
    Seth sat down on the edge of her father’s desk. ‘Go ahead. I’m in no hurry. I’ve played about all the games of cribbage with my dad that I can stand for one lifetime. I wanted to see the books but, honestly, coming over here was my excuse for getting out of the house.’
    Alex smiled wanly. ‘I can’t talk about it,’ she said. ‘It’s too much.’
    ‘Well, let me see if I can help boil it down. I know about the sister in prison. I know you went to see her.’
    ‘How did you know that?’ Alex asked, taken aback.
    Seth shook his head. ‘How long have you lived in this neighborhood? Your Uncle Brian told Laney Thompson. He’s been keeping tabs on you through the Thompsons.’
    ‘I don’t believe this,’ Alex protested.
    ‘Be glad they care,’ said Seth. ‘So,

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