Upper Hand (Cedar Tree Book 5)

Free Upper Hand (Cedar Tree Book 5) by Freya Barker

Book: Upper Hand (Cedar Tree Book 5) by Freya Barker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Freya Barker
grabbing a napkin to blow her nose. “It’s not that, you thick-headed redneck. It just feels good to have things settle again. Missed Beth around. Fuck, it’s not natural not having her here, she’s been part of this diner for donkey’s years. Way before I even came on the scene. And you...as big of a pain in my ass you can be, I was really scared for a bit there.”
    The single tear that escapes her furious blinking has me walking around the counter, setting my cane aside and pulling her in for a hug. Arlene being Arlene, she struggles a bit in my arms until I tell her to ‘settle,’ and then she wraps her arms around my waist.
    “Have you made your move on Beth, yet?” she mumbles against my shirt.
    “Say what?” I feign ignorance, but Arlene is too sharp and pushes back, fixing her eyes on me.
    “Don’t play coy. You’re like fucking spring in Canada, hot one minute and the next you’re freezing her out. She cares, she’s just stubborn.”
    “I know,” I say simply, thinking to myself that this lunch has been cathartic in more than one way. I’m ready. Ready to get back in the saddle. With a glance at Beth, who seems to be sneaking peeks at our interaction, I give Arlene a kiss on the head and thank her for lunch, before heading back to the table, my eyes not leaving Beth’s the entire time.
    “T hat was a good lunch,” Beth says as she starts up the car.
    We just helped Katie secure Max’s seat in her car and hauled his bag over to her trunk. My mouth got the better of me when I accidentally called her ‘ little lady, ’ something that seems to slip out naturally for me but earned me an elbow in the ribs from the ‘ lady ’ in question. Beth secured Max in the backseat next to his buddy, and we watched them drive off with plans to pick him up when we get back to town.
    “Great lunch,” I say, really meaning it. I’ve been a fucking pussy, hiding away, but today’s shown me that the friends I’ve made here are the real deal.

    “S o on Monday morning, I’ll see you at the new clinic?”
    I’ve just been put through my paces by Kendra, who seems happy with the progress I’m making. She follows me through the front door where I sit down on the bench, waiting for my ride. 
    “Yes. I hope I can get behind the wheel soon though. I’m not a very good passenger,” I admit, making her chuckle.
    “Didn’t peg you for one, but I don’t think you’ve got long to wait. Already I can tell your balance is improving. And what do you think of the acupuncture? Are you getting used to it?”
    This time it’s my turn to chuckle. I was plenty freaked out beforehand, but honestly could not feel the first needle go in. Not a thing. That’s not to say it is entirely painless, since the needle she placed at the base of my neck today hit a spot that is still sore now, but she swore it would bring relief. I have to admit, my head feels clearer now than it has since I woke up.
    “I’m still not a fan of needles and reckon I’ll never be, but my head feels good. So if you must, you can poke me again on Monday.”
    “Good. In the meantime, I’ll see you tomorrow at the open house, right? Naomi tells me you’ll be there.”
    Damn. I know the chance is good I’ll bump into Jed there, and that is not something I’m looking forward to, but I owe it to my friends to be there.
    “Yeah, I’ll be there.”
    “Awesome!” I smile at her youthful exuberance as she walks off to find her car, following her with my eyes. She’s gotta be in her mid thirties, but she’s as peppy as a twenty-year-old. Cute, but not for me.
    The familiar squeal of a car door has me swing my head around to find Beth leaning on the roof of her junker, looking at me through slitted eyes, before turning to wave at Kendra as she pulls out of the parking lot. Interesting .
    “Ready to come or do you need to enjoy the view a bit more?” she snaps, immediately lowering her eyes from mine and turning red. Dropped her

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