The Risqué Contracts Series
close eye on Madeleine and despite her efforts to remain unaffected, her excitement bled through. I watched her fall in love with the house and couldn’t keep the cocky smirk off my face. I’d been right. I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist it. This was our home.
    With a quick kiss on her lips, I left Madeleine in a room decorated as a nursery with a dreamy look on her face and met Elisa in the kitchen to sign the rest of the forms. I’d bought the house a week ago, but held back on the final closing paperwork until I brought Madeleine to see it.
    Once we left and were headed back to the city, Madeleine sat quietly for a few minutes.
    “What did you think?” I asked, breaking the silence.
    She sighed. “It’s perfect, Caleb. I honestly hope we can find something just like it when we’re ready to take that step.”
    I rolled my eyes, but chose not to engage in the argument that would surely ensue if I responded. Besides, I still had an ace up my sleeve.
    M onday morning, I asked Madeleine to give me some time to draw up a new contract. She agreed without much convincing. In fact, at the reminder of our nullified contract, a shadow passed over her face and her posture slumped with an air of defeated acceptance.
    Over the next two weeks, I was barely present at work, my mind always on other things. I’d ordered another piece of jewelry from Cartier for Madeleine and a lovelock item for myself.
    I counted the days until she could take a pregnancy test and fucked her relentlessly in case she wasn’t already pregnant. I brought her to work every day and took her home with me every night. When she tried to protest, telling me she needed to go home for her things, I waved it off and assured her it wasn’t necessary. The first night, I’d sent her assistant to her apartment to bring her clothes and a few necessities. After that, I had her bring a little more each time, and while Madeleine huffed with irritation at my high-handedness, she didn’t tell me to stop.
    True to my word, I had a new contract drawn up, but I was sure it wasn’t what she’d be expecting.
    At last, the day I’d been waiting for arrived, and just in time. I was about to lose my ever-loving mind. I didn’t want there to be any question, no false results, so I dragged Madeleine straight to the doctor. When we arrived, Madeleine made a beeline for the bathroom and lost her breakfast. I barely controlled the impulse to pump my fist in the air and scream, “Victory!”
    An hour later, we walked to our car, loaded with pamphlets and vitamins. I couldn’t stop smiling, my chest puffed up with pride as the caveman inside congratulated me on getting my woman knocked up.

Chapter 12
    B arefoot and pregnant. I could barely wrap my head around it. I was literally standing barefoot in the kitchen of the house Caleb had shown me a couple hours after finding out he’d successfully knocked me up. A house, it turned out, we owned. Not him. We. Because apparently, both our names were on the deed—the same deed resting on the counter between us and dated the same day he’d first brought me here. The one that referred to me as Madeleine Sterling.
    Nobody could ever accuse Caleb of moving slowly. When he wanted something, he moved at lightning speed to acquire it—even when the something he wanted was me. Only now that he had me, I felt like he was skipping some important steps. Namely, a proposal and telling me he loved me. And I wasn’t about to make the name on the deed my legal one unless he loved me. Being pregnant wasn’t enough. I wanted everything.
    Caleb peeked at me around the open refrigerator door. “Go upstairs and change into something more comfortable while I grab you a snack.”
    “I don’t have any clothes here,” I reminded him.
    “Sure you do,” he countered. “I had most of our personal items moved from the penthouse while we were at the doctor’s office. The movers were on standby just in case the results came

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