Twice a Bride

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Book: Twice a Bride by Mona Hodgson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mona Hodgson
nearly enough for what you’re doing for me at the icehouse.”
    Willow wanted to say she was glad she’d been available. She was, but—
    “I needed time to work through what I was feeling. And Tucker, well, it’s different with him.”
    Willow glanced at the mantel, her gaze settling on Tucker and Ida’s wedding photograph. “Sam and I weren’t married long, but he’d hung around our house for four or five years before that. Plus I’ve had a brother for much of my life. Men don’t react to sorrow the way women do.”
    Ida nodded and looked at the rag rug beneath their feet. “He said he doesn’t blame me.”
    Tears stung Willow’s eyes. “Of course he doesn’t. Losing the baby wasn’t your fault.” She softened her voice. “Only God knows why it happened.” She wouldn’t say there would be other children. She didn’t know God’s plan. “Tucker didn’t know how to comfort you.”
    “So he cut the lawn and pruned the roses.”
    “Exactly. He felt the loss and was sad for you, but—”
    “He hadn’t had a baby growing inside him.”
    The image of her brother ripe with child prompted a laugh that erupted before Willow could stop it.
    Ida’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened, and then she began laughing too. “There’s an image we won’t soon forget. Speaking of Tucker, he told me about an advertisement he’d seen in the Cripple Creek Times and thought it might be of interest to you.”
    Willow sobered. Dare she think it was the advertisement Mr. Van Der Veer had printed for the studio job?
    “We have a new photography shop in town, and the owner advertised for an artist who could paint portraits from his photographs.”
    “A Mr. Van Der Veer.”
    “You know him?”
    “I applied for the job. That Saturday.”
    A familiar shadow crossed Ida’s face.
    Willow continued. “When I left the depot, I went to the library. I figured my mother had all but twisted your arm to give me a job, so I went to read the advertisements for employees.”
    Ida looked at her arm, a slow grin lighting her eyes. “She may have twisted some. You’d come to tell me?”
    “And to check on you. I knew you had to be feeling badly not to see Mother off at the depot, but I never thought—”
    “We were all surprised.” Ida’s voice trailed off to a short silence. “Did you ever hear from Mr. Van Der Veer?”
    “That’s why Hattie stopped by the showroom yesterday. The courier had returned my sample portrait with a letter from Mr. Van Der Veer.”
    “He offered you the job, didn’t he?”
    Willow nodded, keeping her smile to herself.
    Ida leaned forward and grabbed Willow’s hand. “That’s wonderful!”
    “You really think so?”
    “You don’t?” Ida straightened. “What, you’re afraid you’re going to miss selling iceboxes?”
    Willow giggled.
    “Wait a minute.” A frown creased Ida’s forehead. “I told Mr. Davenport you’d telephone him with the delivery date, as if you’d be working there forever. And you never said a word.”
    “You needed me.”
    “Well, now I need to go back to work.”
    “About that … I’m a little nervous about your return.”
    “Don’t be.” Ida folded her hands in her lap. “I’m feeling much better now. Besides, it’ll be good for me to think about something else.”
    Willow cleared her throat. “That’s not what I’m nervous about.”
    “I’m not a businesswoman and definitely not a bookkeeper.”
    Ida laughed. “This is your way of telling me I may find a pile of loose numbers in my ledger Monday morning?”
    “Yes. I did my best, but—”
    “Don’t worry about me. I’ll manage just fine.” Ida wagged her finger. “But you let me know if you need any help keeping track of the money Mr. Van Der Veer owes you.”
    Willow smiled. “Gladly.”
    Thirty minutes later, Willow had helped Ida pack the few baby things she’d already gathered and was on her way back to the boardinghouse. Miss Hattie had errands to run this morning.

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