Damaged and the Dragon

Free Damaged and the Dragon by Bijou Hunter

Book: Damaged and the Dragon by Bijou Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bijou Hunter
Tags: Fiction, Romance, new adult
    “ They’re fine,” I murmured
while my fingers moved to her warm skin. “I’ve never been on
display like this and it makes me edgy. I don’t want to lose
    Bailey’s eyes widened just a hint in
response to my words. Or maybe she heard the need behind them. I
wanted her so badly everything else disappeared in comparison.
    “ You guys want to get a
pizza?” Tucker asked loudly.
    Stepping back, I hated looking away from
Bailey, but we were surrounded. Farah walked over and smiled.
    “ You can have them put up
the bumpers, if you want?”
    Cooper joined us quickly. “What are we
talking about?”
    “ Bumpers,” Bailey said,
walking over to Vaughn
    I looked at Farah’s bump. “How is Lark?”
    “ Not great. She’s on bed
rest and going bananas stuck at home.”
    “ Hey, eyes up here,” Cooper
growled when I looked at Farah’s bump for too long.
    Farah looked embarrassed, but I just
grinned. “That’s a nice bump she’s got there.”
    “ Asshole,” Cooper said in a
low threatening voice.
    I couldn’t help laughing. “Dating your
sister. Not interested in your wife. Are any of these things
sinking in?”
    Farah smiled while Cooper didn’t know what
to do with his anger.
    “ The baby is kicking,”
Farah said and Cooper’s gaze focused on her bump. “Lily is quite a
badass. Just like her daddy.”
    With those few words, Cooper lost his anger
and knelt down to kiss the bump.
    “ My girl is going to beat
the shit out of everyone.”
    Grinning, Farah rolled her eyes. “I don’t
know about that.”
    “ Oh, she’ll be a powerful
    Watching Cooper talk to his unborn daughter,
I understood the look he wore the night he visited me in the
hospital. Back then, I thought he was afraid I’d press charges.
Fear wasn’t something I thought I’d see on Cooper Johansson. I
never thought I’d hear him apologize either. That night, both
    Now I realized he didn’t fear the law. He
feared losing Farah. The guy might be an asshole, but he really
loved her.
    Bailey returned wearing a smile. “I had him
put up the bumpers for us.”
    “ Thanks,” I said, leaning
down to kiss her head. “I’m looking forward to watching you
    Grabbing my bowling ball, Bailey walked to
the lane then bent over and wiggled her butt. Turning around to
wink at me, she looked genuinely happy to find me smiling. Her
earlier anxiety gone, she rolled a gutter ball saved by the bumper.
Once the ball took out two pins, Bailey jumped up and down. I knew
she was showing off those new tits, but I only saw her smile. It
lit up the whole place.
    For the rest of the evening, I ate pizza,
rolled would be gutter balls, laughed at Vaughn’s jokes, and waited
to be alone with Bailey.
    My body craved her even before she wrapped
her arms around me as we rode to my place. In the warm evening, our
skin grew damp with sweat. Though I desperately wanted a shower, I
wanted Bailey more.
    Riding the elevator to my third floor
apartment, I couldn’t wait any longer. My lips met Bailey’s and she
gasped at the suddenness of our embrace. Hesitating only a moment,
she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her tongue stroked mine and I
imagined our bodies moving together too.
    My mind swam with a hunger I’d never known
before. The intoxicating need blinded me to everything else. My
hands reached under Bailey’s ass and I lifted her up against me.
Those new tits of hers pressed against my chest as her arms wrapped
tighter around me. Bailey wanted me despite my crappy past.
Promising myself that she accepted me, I unlocked the door as my
lips remained on hers.
    Danny Boy called out to me, ready to share a
rumor about an amazing party. When he saw me with a girl connected
at the waist, he made one of his dumb murmurs and backed off.
    Never removing my lips from Bailey’s, I
managed to lock my bedroom door. She moaned into my mouth as I
leaned her back on the bed. Tasting her jaw and throat, I couldn’t
get enough of her

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