Sinful Reunion

Free Sinful Reunion by Crystal Cierlak

Book: Sinful Reunion by Crystal Cierlak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Cierlak
Tags: Romance
fucked, kissed and enthralled her. She lowered her chest to the ground and spread her arms out in front of her for support, breathing heavily as her body continued to write with pleasure.
    James was relentless, exhaling moans and breathing in sharp pants of oxygen as he moved inside her. The angle of her body pressed into the ground, her hips and behind pushed up against his open thighs was overwhelming. Every time he thrust she could feel it deep in her belly, tight and compact around him. She delighted in the rhythmic slapping of his balls against her clit. He slowed the pace of his thrusting in favor of long, penetrating strokes inside her, and she came again, shouting incoherently into the floor until his fingers squeezed into her so tight the skin puckered and pinched.
    " Fuck, " he breathed through one final deep, penetrating thrust to her center, coming undone as he came inside her. Exhausted, spent, and thoroughly sated, Natalie let her body collapse completely to the ground, feeling him slip out an inch from her body. When he stilled completely he pushed her with gentle force and angled his body out from hers before lying down next to her, racing to catch his breath.
    "That was..." Natalie breathed, searching for the right word. "Adequate." There was a moment of silence before they both burst out in hysterical laughter, James turning to his side to laugh as Natalie grabbed for her stomach.
    "Thank you for that singing praise, Miss Harlow."
    "It was well deserved, Mr. Fitzgerald. You know this is the second time we've been intimate in front of the windows of a penthouse?"
    "You were too impatient to go to the bedroom," he gently admonished her. "Are you hungry? I'm starving. What time is it? I'll call down to room service."
    "Wait!" Natalie protested, grabbing for his arm before he could stand. "Just lay still with me for a minute. Please?"
    James looked almost startled at the request. "Of course," he smiled. He adjusted his side-laying position again and opened his arms to her. She scooted into his embrace, spooning her body into his as her head came to a rest at the crook of his shoulder.
    "Just for a minute," she murmured. But sleep took her in a near instant, her body exhausted from their lovemaking. James kissed at her ear and held her tight, stroking his fingers at her hip until she was softly snoring.

    Natalie woke to the sound of a discreet knock. From behind her James shuffled to a standing position and walked briskly towards the door, a tee shirt and a pair of cotton pants covering his body. Natalie looked down to find her own body had been outfitted in a clean white tee shirt that was several sizes too big and smelled distinctly of him . Sometime during her sleep he'd modestly covered her nakedness and moved her to the couch. She sat up just in time to watch James turn from the door with a silver platter balanced on one hand.
    "Not to brag, but we do make the finest grilled cheese sandwich in Vegas." He grinned as he set the platter down on the coffee table before her and lifted the warming cover to reveal two places of golden cheese deliciousness. "The trick is to first grill the bread and the cheese, then grill them together. Otherwise it's just two grilled pieces of bread with some melted cheese in the middle. Enjoy!"
    Natalie picked up a perfectly coiffed triangle of grilled cheese and bit, immediately closing her eyes as melted cheese filled her mouth. "Oh my god. Why did I not know how to do this in college?"
    "Because you didn't have one of the finest chefs in the country around to make it for you," James quipped from beside her on the couch before biting into his own grilled cheese sandwich.
    "If you tell me you did I will throw my sandwich at you."
    "No, I hoofed it to the cafeteria with my meal card same as any other proper uni student."
    Natalie smiled at his slip, noting it was the first time she'd hear him say something that sounded non-American. She leaned back into the couch

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