Saving Maverick

Free Saving Maverick by Debra Elise

Book: Saving Maverick by Debra Elise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Elise
head. Another shiver slammed into her and she felt moisture between her thighs. He rubbed his thumb in slow circles and tipped her head. There was no going back.
    Any awareness that they were in public, up against the side of a building about to engage in some serious PDA was trumped by the anticipation of his kiss, and she wished he’d hurry the hell up.
    Swooping down, he placed his full, firm lips against hers and drew her bottom lip into his mouth, sucking and nibbling until she groaned. She couldn’t breathe. She didn’t care. She wanted more of what this man was doing to her. She wound her arms up over his muscled arms and clasped them behind his head, pulling him closer. Demanding more.
    In response he pressed his rock-hard body against hers, thank god, and she combusted. His sinful kisses fed her. She rubbed her lower body against his erection. The thrill of creating such a response from this sexy man had her moaning in agreement as his hands glided up along her sensitive sides, stopping under her aching breasts.
    Who was this new Kelsey?
Lost in her newly found wanton side, she held on and seized the moment.
    He tore his lips away breathing just as hard as she was.
    â€œI dreamed of your sweet lips all night, Doll Face.” He placed his forehead on hers before he trailed open mouth kisses to her ear. “Only one more kiss though. Otherwise this town is going to see a show they don’t have to buy tickets for.”
    His dimples were the last thing she saw before he claimed her lips again. She responded lick for lick, ran her hands up into his hair and sighed. He continued his sensual onslaught while she opened her legs slightly to rub against him again, hoping to find relief. The move wrung a groan out of him and she smiled. Nothing felt more erotic than knowing your partner was just as turned on as you were.
    A horn blared somewhere down the street and within her sexual fog she thought she heard someone call Maverick’s name, but he didn’t seem to notice and there was no way she was going to interrupt the hottest moment of her life.
    Maverick thought he’d heard someone say his name, but now that he had heaven in his arms, he wasn’t letting her go. He couldn’t get enough of the bewitching beauty, but he also knew it was not smart to put on such a display on the sidewalk of downtown Pineville.
    He reluctantly tore his mouth away from her lips and trailed kisses down her jaw and her neck and would have gone lower if she hadn’t whispered his name.
    â€œMaverick. We . . . we need to stop.” Out of breath, Kelsey spoke with a new huskiness he could easily become addicted to. She cupped his face and smiled.
    What he saw in her eyes, the raw desire that matched his own, nearly made him kiss her again.
    â€œYeah?” he rasped. He knew what she was going to say, but he didn’t want the moment to end. It felt—right. And he wanted more. Like a switch was flipped and a sense of contentment settled over him. Before he took the final step to separate them and break the spell of the moment, he placed his head on her shoulder and gulped in fresh air that was laced with her wild scent.
    â€œWe’re on a public street. And as much as I liked what happened here, we need to be smart about this.”
    â€œYou don’t sound too sure about that, baby. I mean, I aim to please. We could go back to my place and finish what we started.” But Kelsey was right. They didn’t need,
didn’t need, any more publicity. Good or bad. Besides he wanted to recapture some of his sanity and calm himself a bit before he could walk down the street to his car.
    Still flushed from his kisses, she straightened her skirt and adjusted her blouse. “I ah, I don’t know what to say, Maverick. This whole thing is so unlike me, and we would have to deal with T.S. if he found out about this. I’m not sure we should pursue anything physical

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