throws him a towel, which Dante uses to wipe his hand, and my cheeks heat up. “Got sweet girl cum all over me,” he says with a laugh, making me blush harder.
Dante turns me, but I can’t meet the eyes of the guy behind the bar. “Don’t worry, sugar. I couldn’t see a thing,” he says gently. His words unlock me and I’m able to glance up. He’s a hard, scary man. Almost as big as Dante. He smiles at me and it turns him into a handsome man. I can’t help smiling back.
“This is Luck. Luck, this is my girl, Karina.”
“Hi,” I mumble, which makes the other guy laugh.
“She’s a shy one.”
Dante chuckles. “Yeah.”
“Brother, can I have a word with you?” Shame washes over me. I don’t need to look to know who it is, but I do anyway.
The way my little bitch catches fire for me is something else. Even though I know she’s nervous in a room full of people, the second I slid my finger in her tight snatch, everyone else in the room disappeared for her.
And fuck me; but knowing sometime while I was away, she shaved that sweet little pussy while thinking about me? Makes all the club ass I turned down on my run worth it.
I’m so fuckin’ hard I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk to my room. If I don’t get my dick inside her tight heat very soon, I’ll lose my motherfuckin’ mind.
Just as I have Karina ‘bout to come on my hand, Luck strolled up behind her. He’s on the other side of the bar, so I don’t really care if he watches. Can’t see much anyway. He raises an eyebrow at me and I lift my chin. She’s a lot louder than I think she realizes and Luck smothers a smile.
The way she gets all embarrassed when she realizes what he overheard, even turns me on. Fuck, she’s cute.
My good mood is interrupted by the last motherfucker I feel like talking to right now.
“Brother, can I have a word with you?” Hemi asks from my side. He’s standing way too close to my girl for my taste. I glare at him, but he stays rooted to his spot. Kid has fuckin’ balls; I’ll give him that.
“What?” I snap.
He glances at Karina, who seems to be trying to ignore Hemi by keeping her eyes on me. I like that a whole fuckin’ lot.
My arm tightens around her waist, and my hand smoothes down her backside, making sure she’s covered. I don’t want this little prick seeing any more of her than he needs to.
“Alone?” he asks.
“Club business?”
Again, his gaze darts to my girl. No, this ain’t about club business, that’s clear. He’s gonna try stickin’ his nose in my business, again.
This shit is gonna end now.
He meets my eyes with a challenging stare. “No.”
“Then you can say it in front of my girl .”
To the best of my knowledge, the kid ain’t dumb. He knows damn well what that means.
He straightens up and looks at me. “Why is she here again?”
Behind the bar, Luck whistles low. Karina twitches against me and I hug her tighter.
Luck snaps his fingers in front of Hemi’s face. “You might want to rethink this, brother.”
Hemi acts like he didn’t hear or see a thing. Karina’s arm snakes around my waist, holding on to me tight. As if I’d kick her out on Hemi’s say-so.
“I already know about your past relationship. That’s it—past. You don’t want to start this war with me.”
Hemi’s eyes widen in shock. “Since when are you with a bitch for more than a fuckin’ day?”
Karina flinches. Now, maybe in my head I think of her affectionately as my little bitch. But Hemi callin’ her that?
No. Hell fucking no.
Nudging Karina upright, I lift my chin at Luck. “Will you watch her?”
He glances at Hemi and shakes his head. “Yeah, no problem.”
“Let’s step outside, brother.” I say to Hemi.
Motherfucker still doesn’t have the sense to back the fuck down. It makes me wonder if I’m losing my edge or if the kid has lost his fuckin’ mind.
Clamping my hand down on the back of his neck, I lead him out the
James Kaplan, Jerry Lewis
Michael Baden, Linda Kenney