Remains Silent

Free Remains Silent by Michael Baden, Linda Kenney

Book: Remains Silent by Michael Baden, Linda Kenney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Baden, Linda Kenney
even seen the X-rays. Dr. Harrigans secretary was supposed to forward them to me, but they havent arrived. Im not sure whats taking so long.
What about toxicology?
Harrigan was going to use an outside lab. Havent seen the paperwork, though.
Why didnt Harrigan let the hospital lab deal with it?
Because he didnt trust them. Regular hospital labs are notoriously bad at toxicology. Theyre set up to do testing of normal body chemistry; it stops there.
She pushed back her espresso cup. In the meantime, Ill try to run down Lyonss medical records. Maybe they overlooked some in the hospital before it closed. And Ill see if I can find anybody who knew him, in the hospital or before. Maybe some of his army buddies are still alive. I can also try to talk to the doctors who treated him, if I can find out who they are. Patrice will waive the medical privilege.
He looked at her sympathetically. You should hire an investigator. You must be busy.
I cant afford one. Losing Carramia wasnt pretty for me. I spent a lot of money on that case, and when you lose it doesnt get refunded. And new clients dont start running your way, either. Thank God for the Terrell settlement. Without it, Im reduced to last years clothes.
Jake shifted uncomfortably. I wont say Im sorry she lost. I can pay for a private investigator, if it would help.
Manny thought shed been reduced to a third-grader in Catholic school, sitting in front of her stern teacher, her hands folded in front of her. I guess you can afford it when you bill five grand for a day, she thought, her sassiness trumping softness. Thanks, but Id just as soon do it myself.
Youre really going up to Turner Hospital? Its a dreadful place. Better take someone with you.
But not you. Youre too busy. She felt resentment return like nighttime and stood, anxious to get home.
His cell phone rang, and he motioned her down. Ill be right back. The caller ID said it was from upstate. He moved toward the bar.
Manny sat in his chair and rummaged through his jacket pockets. There were car keys, house keys, a quarter and a penny, a roll of Tums, and a letter from a woman that her conscience didnt let her read. Maybe he does spend time with people who still have a pulse.
She retreated to her own seat, wondering if she should have tried to work things out with Alex, whom she had dated for a year. He was a banker with a self-involvement that often left her a bystander, but kind nevertheless. He had wanted to marry her, but he had also wanted her to leave the trial work to others, so that was that.
Jake returned. He tried a smile, but it was obvious that he was troubled.
Whats wrong? she asked. You look freaked out.
Ive been called upstate to do an autopsy. Theres no medical examiner, and the family asked for me.
Turner, she thought, and felt a spasm of foreboding. Who died?
Dr. Harrigans housekeeper, he said soberly, gazing at the wall.
    * * *
Dinners on me, Manny said, reaching for her credit card. Patrice is my client; protocol dictates I pay.
His own card materialized. My mother taught me never to let a lady pay for dinner. She dictates who pays.
Charming. Fashion-challenged, but a courtier. My turn next time, she said feebly, not sure that, after the Vuitton bag, there was room for another hundred-dollar charge on her account. If there is a next time. He paid. They stood.
Ill escort you home, he said, then head out to Turner.
Her family sounded desperate. His voice was weary. Corpses dont seem to care about time. And the sooner you get to them, the more you can find.
I dont want him to leave. The thought, unbidden and unexpected, stunned her. Ill drive, she said.
He struggled to put on his jacket. One hand seemed to be stuck in the sleeve. He stared at her. What are you talking about?
Turner. Im

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