
Free InSpire by April Wood

Book: InSpire by April Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Wood
grabbed a few things and put them on the top of the dresser for her. She wasn’t sure how exciting it was to wear someone else’s clothes but wearing her dirty ones wasn’t an option. The clothes he left out fit her perfectly. It wasn’t like she was the average size, so having clothes fitting perfectly out of someone else’s dresser seemed like an impossibility. Comfortable in her new outfit, Athena walked down the stairs to find Darian setting the table.
    “I thought breakfast for lunch would be a good idea.”
    “I love breakfast.”
    “We have a few hours to kill before we need to head back.”
    “Are we going to be there first?”
    “Of course. I am a constant strategist.” He was confident in his plan. He had also planned out breakfast perfectly. She had hard fried eggs while he ate his disgusting runny eggs. It did make her happy to know how well he really did know her.
    “I figured. Did you really mean what you said?”
    “Bringing a compliment to destroy her entire coven.”
    “Certainly. I still have friends. I am not the only Prin to be ostracized from Spire. I have quite a few fellows at my disposal.” He smiled as they buried their heads in the food before them. The next ten minutes were filled with only the sounds of their forks hitting the plate.
    “I hope it doesn’t come to that.”
    “Me too.”
    “Do you think we will be able to head back soon?”
    “As soon as you remember where we need to go, love.”
    “Good. I want to start living my real life.”
    “As do I.” He took her plate and then grabbed her hand. He helped her up and then held her tightly in his arms. This was going to work. He just knew it would.

    “How long do we wait?” Whispering wasn’t Athena’s strong point. They’d been sitting in the woods for an hour. Sheila wasn’t late yet, but it was getting close.
    “Until she arrives.”
    They sat there in silence for another thirty minutes before her stomach started to ache. They knew Sheila had kept her word long before either of them saw her. The amount of rumbling going on suggested there must be at least three witches with her. The strong feeling sucked, but it meant Athena might have a chance at being a Prin again.
    “Okay, we’re here.” Sheila wasn’t even trying to be quiet. She probably figured having her sisters by her side would protect her from most. Darian would love to prove her theory wrong, but not today.
    “Good.” Darian stood up. He grabbed Athena’s hand and pulled her up beside him.
    Sheila threw a spark at the fire and it ignited. The women cackled at the sight. These women were much like the witches found in books. They were ugly, short, fat and cackled uncontrollably.
    “What do you need us to do?” Darian was all business.
    “Well we need to see her first.”
    Darian waved Athena forward. She walked toward the witches slowly. This was her first time feeling this sick. She wanted to double over the entire way. Athena looked a Darian. He was standing rock still. She was amazed at his ability to control the pain. She struggled with every step. The desire to call her sacred sword and eliminate these women in front of her was so strong. She bit her lip. Once she was in front of them the pain subsided.
    “You are right.” One of the witches cackled to Sheila.
    They stood there just measuring each other up for more than an uncomfortable minute. Athena didn’t back down one bit. She was strong and looked down her nose at these creatures. They weren’t her equal and they each knew it. Darian smiled seeing some of his old love bubbling up to the surface. Athena was a warrior and bred to be a Queen. He couldn’t wait to hold that woman in his arms again.
    “This is Athena, first born of Malaicom.” Sheila started with the bowing and then in turn each of the witches bowed to Athena.
    “Did you say first born?”
    “Does that mean my father has had a more children?”
    “You can ask him when

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