Borderland Betrayal
swam. Mayhap the cut had been worse than she’d thought. She glanced at the linen and noted the steady blossoming of red. Aye, she’d done fair damage to her hand and James’ prediction of her needing stitches was likely correct.
    He glanced down and though his expression remained impassive, she saw the concern and regret in his gaze. “Can you walk?”
    “Can I walk? Of course I can walk! I am no swooning maiden.”
    “Will you at least permit me to hold onto you? You do look pale.”
    How she possibly looked pale with her skin tone was beyond her, but she sighed in defeat. “Aye, as you will.” The pain and blood loss seemed to have sapped her energy.
    One arm wrapped quickly around her waist, his fingers pressed into her side and Ellise found herself cocooned in James’ hold. Already light-headed, the sensation of having his solid body flattened against hers threatened to send her into a swoon. And, mio Dios , she did not intend for that to happen after having declared she would never do such a thing.
    By the time they reached the horses, her legs trembled beneath her. James went from muttering words of encouragement to cursing his lack of care. Ellise shook her head to herself. The man refused to accept she was her own woman and her accident had nothing to do with James’ inability to look after her. The Captain of Thornewall took the idea of duty far too seriously. What was it that made him so rigid, so in control? She longed to find out. That night in Durham she had seen the Captain lose control and she desperately wanted to see it happen again.
    But unfortunately it was impossible. If making love was the only way to break through his restraint, then she would likely never see it happen again for such a moment would surely hurt them both. For him, his sense of chivalry would be injured. And for her…?
    As much as she wanted to seize the moment, her attachment to him had already grown too great. She had to leave Thornewall once the babes were born. It was simply too dangerous for her to stay.
    James released a long low breath as the towers of Thornewall keep jutted up in the distance. On top of a large mound, it came into sight before the scattering of white cottages around it did. They rode slowly, their mounts as close together as possible.
    The damned woman had refused to ride with him, in spite of her obvious frailty. She clutched the reins in one hand and cradled the other hand in her lap, but still she kept her back straight and proud. He grudgingly admired her fortitude but it did not stop him from wanting to look after her.
    Damnation. What had he been thinking letting her loose with a knife?
    He hadn’t been thinking. In truth, Ellise’s company stole all sensible thought. He went from longing to pin her down and plunder her mouth and her body to wanting to bundle her up and protect her from every wrong in the world. And then when she argued with him…
    Ack, he wanted to kiss her then too. And argue some more. And release every frustration upon her until he was completely unburdened. The strong woman that she was, she’d take each of them and probably soothe them all away.
    But that was not what men did. His father had taught him that. The job of captain was a hard one, but he was proud to have people rely on him. He certainly did not need a lass to help him deal with his problems and he would continue to manage them just as he always had before Ellise came along.
    Before Ellise?
    What had life been like then? More simple, for certain, but less entertaining.
    They worked their way through the main street, bypassing the villagers who nodded a greeting. Ellise smiled and spoke to some even as a light sheen of sweat graced her forehead. God’s teeth, would the lass never cease to amaze? In spite of her discomfort, she still took the time to be gracious to others. It struck James what a shame it was that she wasn’t better connected or wealthier. She was certain to make a fine wife to

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