Burning Desire
there, someone who is risking his life to protect me. That’s more than I can say about you.”

    The back door swung open, Jenny was getting off her shift. She apologized for interrupting and gave Jake a sweet smile. This bitch!  

    “Keep it moving, bitch.” I shooed her away, to look back and see Jake’s eyes glued to Jenny’s ass.  

    “Hey!” I yelled at him, his eyes turning back to mine. “Knock that shit off, right the fuck now, because I swear to God if you even think about it, I’ll cut your dick off and feed it to you myself. You need to get your shit together, Jake.” I grabbed the door handle, as he grabbed me.

    “Rox, chill the fuck out. You are my girl, not my Old Lady.”

    “What is that supposed to mean? That’s not what you were saying a second ago.”

    “It means, you have no say in any of this shit. I call the shots.”

    “That’s what you think…” I laughed in his face.

    He pulled me to him, our noses barely touching.

    “Keep your mouth fucking shut, and don’t worry about the shit I do, okay? You mention anything to your Dad, Jeremy or your fucking precious Chase, shit is going to hit the fan.”

    “Are you fucking threatening me?”

    “What do you think?” He squeezed my arms, I’ll have bruises tomorrow, but I was too much of a hard ass to care right now.  

    “I fucking dare you, see what happens.” The back door swung open and he immediately released me.  

    “Roxy?” Nicole called out, peering around the metal door.  

    “I’m coming.” I walked away from Jake, staring him down.

    “What the fuck was that about? It looked like World War III was about to go down out there.” She walked with me to the locker room. I took off my jacket and pants to expose my bustier outfit that Chase had so kindly helped me into. “Hot damn!” Nicole whistled and gave my ass a slap as I bent over to put my heels on.

    “Jake is a piece of shit. I have to remind myself why I’m with him. Something is up with him, Nic. I can feel it in my bones. He has been distant, stays out late at night with God knows who. When we do talk, he’s short with me. How the fuck should I know what is going on with us? Shit was so good in the beginning. It’s like once I finished school, and Chase and I…”

    “Saw each other and wanted to hump each other like rabbits in heat is what happened.” She laughed.

    “No…it’s not like that. Shit with him and I is complicated and…I have no clue how to explain that shit either. It’s like we both know we shouldn’t, but this is going to be hard with him around all the time. How am I supposed to just put that on the back burner? If it came down to my life on the line, hands down I know Chase has my back. I wish I could say the same for Jake. How can it be like that? Jake is a part of my own MC, if anything, he should be kissing my ass because my Dad is the President. How my Dad doesn’t notice this shit is beyond me.” I shook my head.  

    “Babe, you’re thinking about this too hard. You need to listen to what you want. What your heart wants, not your mind. Are you talking yourself into wanting to be with Jake? Because it’s what’s the club wants? What your Dad wants? Or will you listen to your heart and go after what you want, or rather, who you want?” She fluffed the back of my hair for me.  

    “I don’t know, Nicole, I just want to get out there and dance for right now.”

    “Okay, let’s get going, babe.”

    “By the way…” I stopped and looked back at her. “What was that with you and Jer earlier?” I laughed, knowing she hated when I teased her about their unspoken love bond.

    “Oh God, don’t even go there, girl. It was nothing.”

    “Ha, yeah right.”  

    We walked to the bar. Tonight was busy; Jeremy had some local DJ in tonight- the bass of the music rocked through my body. I walked up to the girl who was dancing on the platform stage that surrounded the dance floor, she hopped down and I went

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