
Free Gone by Annabel Wolfe

Book: Gone by Annabel Wolfe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annabel Wolfe
Eric signaled to pass an SUV. “I guess I’m more interested in just how you feel about it.”
    He could have sworn Jack would have said something flippant but instead there was a silence as they stopped at a light, waiting for it to turn.
    Finally, his best friend ran his hand through his dark hair. “Look, fine, here it is. I would swear I’d be more possessive, but it didn’t really bother me knowing you were together. Don’t for a minute think it is because I don’t love her, but because I do love her. If you make her happy, what can I say? For that matter, I want you to be happy too…shit, I don’t know.”
    That was honest, so Eric couldn’t back away from at least giving as much.
    Slowly, he said, “My sentiments exactly. I think we’d be extremely stupid to push her and make this a tug of war with her in the middle. If she continues to see both of us, I’m fine with that. Apparently I’m more open-minded than I thought.”
    “I think we aren’t the ones she’s necessarily worried about.” Jack frowned, his expression abstract. “It’s more that everyone is wondering what kind of decision she is going to make.”
    “It’s really none of their damn business,” Eric said forcefully.
    “Get real, Janssen. It isn’t, I agree, but there is no such thing as ‘none of their business’. Since time began people have poked their nose into everyone else’s life. I wouldn’t have a job if our government didn’t want, and need, for that matter, to know what was happening on an international level. Tell me this, how hard was it to persuade her?”
    “To let me stay the night?” Eric understood the underlying question. “I don’t think she has a moral issue of betrayal to either of us, because of the unique circumstances, but maybe an inner conflict over the concept of sleeping with two men.”
    Jack ran his hand over his jaw. “How the hell can we convince her?”
    “To live in the moment, so to speak? I’m not sure. This afternoon was probably not a bad start. Thanks for inviting me to lunch.”
    “I had to return your car, and besides, since the three of us seem to be sharing our meals together anyway, why break the rhythm? And hey, our favorite place. I thought about the burgers there way too many times over the past thirteen months.”
    “As good as you remember?” Eric slowed for a small town, the speed limit dropping to forty-five miles per hour. The corn was just beginning to show a hint of brown in the fields.
    “ Everything is as good as I remember.” Jack’s grin was cheeky, but it usually was.
    “But you aren’t done, are you?”
    His friend didn’t hesitate. “I could get a call in the next minute and we would have to turn this car around and head for the airport because I’d be deployed again.”
    “You like it.”
    Jack’s shoulders lifted. “Not all of it. Hell no. Who wants to be too hot, too cold, shot at, left behind enemy lines, given crappy rations, no cold beer—that goes without saying, you get my drift—but I will never be suited to a nine-to-five office job. I really like my CO. He actually lives in Indianapolis, and the rest of the team is made up of people willing to risk their lives to save one another. I’m sure as hell not bored, let’s put it that way.”
    Even in college Jack had joined the crew team to be out in icy temps in boats on the rivers, he’d gone skydiving and gotten certified in scuba… He liked adventure, and Indiana didn’t offer enough of it, not for him.
    “As the guy with the office and regular hours, I don’t exactly get it, but then again, I’ve known you a long time, so though it sounds like a contradiction, I do. I get it for you .”
    “We never have been alike in that way.”
    True. But very alike in other ways. They both wanted Nicole to be happy, but at the moment that seemed to be a little dicey.
    Eric said thoughtfully, “You know, our differences…that might just work out perfectly.”

Chapter Eight

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