three estrogens. For metabolism purposes, I want to make sure all three fall into the “normal” ranges, and one or more has not gotten out of control. If you are having a period, make sure to have this test taken as close to day three of your period as possible. This is one of the most accurate times to look at yourhormones.
TESTOSTERONE: For men only. Normal could be 200 to 800, but men with fast metabolisms can have numbers as high as 800 to 1200. I like to see 600 or higher. Knowing your numbers empowers you to see one important picture of your current health condition and do something about it—and the thing you can do is to
. The Fast Metabolism Diet is designed to provide the fuel needed for a healthy body. Food is the medicine.
When your numbers are off, when your metabolism is suppressed, change your diet first! You can beat a horse until he reaches the finish line, or you can feed and train and care for him. Either scenario might result in winning a race on that one day, but if you beat the horse long enough, he will break down, slow down, crash, and burn—just when you need the prize money the most.
There are no guarantees in life or health, but the better you care for yourself, and the healthier your metabolism, the more reliable your body’s systems will be for detoxifying, eliminating, burning fat, maintaining a healthy body weight, finding healthy hormone balance, and preventing disease.
Nourish and flourish! That’s what I want for you. It all begins with a healthy, optimally functioning metabolism. Are you ready to begin exploring exactly how to get one?
Part II:
How the Program Works
Unwind (Phase 1), Unlock (Phase 2), and Unleash (Phase 3): Three Distinct Phases, One Powerful Week
N ow you know what can go wrong when you chronically diet or eat foods that don’t contain dense nutrition. So what do you do about it? How do you make it right?
When your metabolism has become dysfunctional, it needs the equivalent of a personal trainer to get it back into shape—someone who can take the raw materials of your body and sculpt them into the body of your dreams. Consider me that trainer and Fast Metabolism your guide to cross-training your metabolism.
What do I mean by that? If you do only one kind of exercise, like running or the elliptical trainer, your body gets used to that exercise and you soon stop seeing results. You hit a plateau. You’re using the same muscles in the same way every day and neglecting all the other muscles in your body. In the same way that cross-training shakes up that routine by keeping your body surprised, Fast Metabolism shakes up your dietary patterns by doing two things:
1. Flooding you with some of the vital nutrients you’ve been missing, but never in the same way for more than two or three days in a row
2. Asking your body to do something difficult, but never for more than two or three days in a row
This strategy keeps your body working, surprised, and supported, reversing the biochemical patterns that have slowed down your metabolism. It’s your body’s wake-up call, and it will trigger a burn that will torch calories and fat like never before.
Cross-training your metabolism also means switching up your meal maps (you’ll find out more about those soon!), so the new you will never get in a rut or get bored. Two days eating one way, two days eating another, and then three days eating a whole new, specific nutrient mix. It stimulates the metabolism, it keeps eating interesting, and it works.
It’s not a trick. It’s just the way nature is. It’s a basic principle of physics: a body at rest tends to stay at rest unless something compels it to move. A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless something compels it to stop. This is the same for your metabolism. Once you coax your metabolism into motion, it’s easier to keep it moving. You’re taking that horse by the reins and walking him around the paddock so you can move him into the