orgasm with little warning. Bucking and jerking against the sheer force of his pleasure, he roared with each pulse of cum that emptied into the condom.
    When his body eased from the tension, his muscles strained as Ella placed all of her weight against him. He didn’t doubt if he let go, she’d tumble to the shower’s marble floor.
    Quickly dropping her leg, he withdrew from her sex. In search of support for his trembling muscles, he leaned his back against the shower wall, wrapping her in his arms. He pressed his lips against her damp head and slowed his breathing to catch the racing of his heart.
    Water slid down her back, and he traced his hands over her soft curves. Once she gave off low hums of awareness, he cupped her cheek, drawing her focus to him. Soft, sated eyes held his.
    He chuckled, understanding her exhausted state, and pressed his lips ever so gently against hers. The kiss didn’t bring heat, but it brought something more—a sweet connection that he wanted so desperately to explore. She might want to fight this connection he found glaringly obvious from experience, but that wasn’t to say he’d allow it.
    When he leaned away from her soft mouth, she gave him a cute smile. He brushed his fingers across her bottom lip. “How about that breakfast?”
, I need breakfast.” She laughed, watching him with those pretty eyes that looked green this morning. “You sure know how to make a woman hungry.”
    He laughed with her. “In all possible meanings of the word
, yes I do.”

Chapter Seven
    Blocks away from the famous Fremont Street, Ella sat in her cubicle located right outside Aidan’s large office. The office building housed many lawyers representing all sides of the law, as well as a few software companies. The entire wall of glass behind Aidan’s desk showed off the pretty desert view.
    Her workspace was efficient, with a nice, sleek glass desk and a comfortable chair. To the left of the receptionist were the majority of the meeting rooms. But her corner was perfect and quiet.
    Pursing her lips at her computer screen, she scanned through the e-mails sent to Aidan. In the five days that had passed since her blazing night and morning with Kyler, her mood became edgy as each hour ticked by.
    Kyler had texted and called every day; their phone conversations had been long and easy, but he hadn’t asked her out again. Wouldn’t even friends-with-benefits hang out? The day after the wedding, things between them had been wonderful. But if it had been as great as she thought, why hadn’t he asked her out?
    By the time she woke up this morning, disappointment had etched the truth. She tried telling herself she had an amazing experience with him, and that her first one-night stand shook her world apart, but she couldn’t ignore the pang in her heart.
    She liked Kyler. She wanted friends in Vegas. A slow slide of disappointment settled in that he hadn’t made more of an effort to see her again. Phone calls were great, but it wasn’t the same as actually hanging out with someone.
    Shaking her head to clear the annoyance, she banged her fingers against the keyboard, responding to an e-mail from another lawyer who seemed to be unable to understand that her boss was on his two-week honeymoon, as well as informing him she wouldn’t dare contact Aidan to sort out the matter with his client.
    Lawyers and clients, at times, had no patience.
    Ella knew how to quiet them down, a lesson she’d learned from her grandfather, who had been a litigation lawyer. Regardless that some lawyers grated on her last nerve, she loved herjob.
    She was good at it.
    After she sent off the e-mail, the telephone rang next to her. She grabbed it and pressed it to her ear. “Knight Law, Ella speaking.”
    “Don’t hang up.”
    A cold sweat coated her flesh. She rose, glancing to the main waiting area. The receptionist was talking on the telephone, and Ella also noticed four people in the waiting room. No one

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