After the Scrum
before leaning in to brush their lips together.
    Intercourse could wait. It would have to wait, since he wasn't fully ready for it. The pleasure of a shared orgasm, however, had waited long enough.
    The conversation regarding the progression of their budding relationship would come later. All Francis wanted to think about were the fingers teasing ever lower and the tongue insistently exploring his mouth. Then there was the glorious sensation of grinding against one other.
    "Like it?" Caddock moved his fingers in lazy circles, still drifting further down. Francis's entire body reacted to the deep rumble of the Brute's voice. "Oh, yes, I think I could talk you into ruining those pyjamas, couldn't I? Have you dreamed about this? I've had some ruddy filthy ones about you—about all the inventive ways I want to fuck you and all the wonderful things I could do with this lithe body of yours."
    "Saints above." Francis had trouble remembering how to breathe while all his senses were under assault.
    The fingers delved further down his crease until they found their target at last, teasing his most sensitive area with light, fleeting strokes. Caddock kept his lips pressed against Francis's ear, whispering a stream of sensual filth. It all had his arousal rising.
    His body moved of its own accord. He writhed in Caddock's lap. What a glorious sensation. Their shafts lined up perfectly and they quickly established a gliding rhythm.
    Using his hand on Francis's arse as a guide and motivator, Caddock had him bucking wildly against him. It hadn't ever felt quite so overpowering. Francis couldn't ever recall being carried off into such a practically out-of-body experience.
    The wicked whispered promises that caressed his ear would've likely been sufficient to bring him to completion. They assaulted his senses in a cerebral fashion, something no one else had ever bothered to do.
    Caddock seemed to pluck all of Francis's most hidden desires from his mind. It drove him to rock wildly in his lap, their shafts hot and hard, rubbing together constantly—the silk and cotton fabrics covering them already more than damp with the evidence of their actions.
    "I'm going…." Francis gasped for air, unable to complete his sentence. He tried again, but found it impossible to formulate the words.
    " No. Not yet." Caddock nipped at his earlobe while shallowly thrusting the tip of his finger into Francis. It did nothing to ease the pressure for him; neither did his next words. "You'll wait until I say."
    "You can." Caddock growled against his neck, biting then sucking the skin to leave a mark. "You want to be good for me, don't you?"
    "Oh, hell." Francis thought he'd been electrocuted. Those words sent a charge that seemed to flow through every part of his body. These were deep fantasies he'd never been able to voice to anyone—never mind actually exploring them. "I need… have to…."
    He was painfully aroused. Every shift of their bodies brought him closer to the point of no return. He wanted release so badly it hurt.
    "Would you like me to let you come?" Caddock's eyes darkened considerably. He hadn't stopped the miniscule movements of his invading finger, ever-present to drive Francis wild with want. "Would you? Ask nicely."
    What is he doing to me?
    "Please. Caddock. God, please. I must…." Francis trembled with the effort it took to not go off like a bottle rocket. He craved the added layer of the dominant game they were playing. It had been the one thing lacking from his previous encounters. "Please?"
    Caddock pressed his finger in ever so slightly further. His smile widened at the sound it elicited from Francis, who writhed desperately above him. " Now. "
    Everything faded into a strangled moan of pure pleasure. Francis's vision went white and the sound cut off, strangled by the raw desire in him. He practically erupted with the intensity of his completion.
    By the time Francis regained some semblance of awareness, he found

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