Sealed in Sin

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Book: Sealed in Sin by Juliette Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliette Cross
Tags: demons, PNR, Supernaturals, UF
“I believe he was right in that Damas has the lost prophecy, but perhaps he shared the information with his brother. That’s what changed Bamal’s mind. He now has the full prophecy.”
    I met her frowning gaze. “That means there’s something in the second half of this prophecy that requires me to be alive, if I am actually the One the prophecy speaks of.”
    “You are, Gen.”
    “But why would Damas share it if he’s kept it hidden all this time?” I couldn’t keep fear from trembling through me. There was a truth I was missing. I could feel it. My VS pulsed inside my breast, trying to find the answer.
    “Gen. Look.”
    I glanced down at my hands. A white light glowed under my skin.
    “You are definitely the One in the prophecy. It’s like the power within you knows we’re nearing the time.” She pulled my phone from my trembling hands.
    “ Have mercy on the mindless twin, when Wrath is right and Virtue sin. Sun and Moon, eye to eye… and that’s all we have. I’ve never been able to sort through this last part. Twin? What twin? And why mindless?”
    I focused on the last. “And how can wrath be right and virtue be sin? It doesn’t make sense.”
    “It does make sense. We just can’t make any sense of it. We need the rest, the lost part.”
    “But it’s not lost,” I pointed out. “We know who found it.”
    Kat scoffed. “And we’ll never get it from him. Not on our own.” She stood and paced one length of the fireplace before pivoting to face me again, grinning from ear to ear. “What about your angel?”
    “Thomas? What about him?”
    “Maybe he could help.”
    “I thought guardian angels were on the lower end of the totem pole. How would he know anything?”
    “In hierarchy, yes. But they are the only angels who spend enormous amounts of time on earth. Besides, he would have more souls than yours to watch over. Maybe he’s come across something that can help.”
    “Maybe so. I’ll ask.”
    “What does Jude say about him?”
    I stood from the sofa, feeling tired and weary all of a sudden. “He doesn’t know.”
    “Why not?” Kat grinned. “Your angel is hot, isn’t he?”
    I choked on a laugh. “Aren’t all angels?”
    “And demons too, I’m afraid.”
    “And saints,” I added with a wink.
    She rolled her eyes. “On that fine note, I’ll say good night. But you should tell Jude. He might be miffed another Flamma is trying to play protector to you, but angels don’t have ulterior motives. Not bad ones, that is.” Her pretty brows puckered into a frown for about the fourth time tonight. “Not that I know of, anyway.”
    With a whoosh, she sifted out, a wave of sandy beach wafting through the room. I wandered into Jude’s bedroom, kicked off my boots and clothes, donned one of his T-shirts and climbed into his bed. Alone.
    I wasn’t so sure Thomas didn’t have an ulterior motive. It might not be wicked or evil per se, but it definitely might not be one Jude would approve. The look of adoration in his eyes as he shielded me from the filth in that demon pit tonight would not leave me as I wrapped my hand around my moon opal and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Eight
    My bare feet made no sound in powdery snow. A feather-soft gown whispered against my ankles. The white blanket of winter stretched wide and long, an endless plane. Naked trees, stark and black against a pristine canvas, circled a clearing. My pounding heart drew me closer. No wind. No sound. Only my quick breaths puffing out in swirling vapor.
    I stepped beyond the trees where a small pool, clear and blue-green, marked the center. The pool steamed. Squatting at the edge, I peered at my reflection. Dark hair long and loose, blue eyes shining bright, pink lips parted in wonder. The pool rippled, speaking to me, beckoning.
    Reaching forward, I touched the pad of my middle finger to the surface. Warm water rushed up my fingers, my hand, my arm, pulling me down. I went without a struggle, longing for the comfort

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