Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox

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Book: Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox by William Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Davis
sugars. As blood sugars trend downward, you’ll need to further reduce medications. If, for instance, you have fasting blood sugars of 100 mg/dL or less, it is essential to reduce or eliminate a medication.
    For people with type 1 diabetes and the uncommon latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood (LADA) associated with inadequate insulin production, the need for insulin is lifelong and cannot be stopped. Insulin dose, however, as well as the need for oral diabetes medications and drugs for hypertension, inflammation, and other phenomena, can all be reduced dramatically, but anyone with these conditions will always be dependent on insulin. The reduced need for drugs and insulin still greatly reduces risk of long-term diabetic complications.
    Because of the complexity of these responses, you should ideally work with a health care provider adept at navigating such issues. Be aware that most doctors and diabetes educators have no idea whatsoever how to do this and will tell you that, once you have type 2 diabetes, you will always have it because that’s what the drug industry tells them, or that diet doesn’t matter with type 1 diabetes. They may warn you that trying to get rid of type 2 diabetes is dangerous, unproductive, and falsely raises hope. At the very least, you want a doctor who will work with you.
    Getting rid of diabetes or minimizing its expression is like getting rid of cancer: It’s a really big deal for long-term health. Thankfully, more and more health care providers are seeing through the propaganda of the drug industry and are rejecting the awful advice of the agencies that have contributed to the diabetes epidemic.
    In the age of modern mass-produced commercial foods, it helps to be aware of several other important issues in order to maximize health. While many of these problems are solved by simply choosing real, single-ingredient foods least manipulated by food manufacturers, there are some foods that, by necessity, are processed to some degree. We therefore need to navigate carefully to avoid getting tripped up.
    MEATS SHOULD BE UNCURED AND UNPROCESSED AND SHOULD NOT CONTAIN SODIUM NITRITE. Sausage, pepperoni, bacon, salami, and other processed meats often contain the color-fixing chemical sodium nitrite. Upon cooking, sodium nitrite reacts with amino acids in meat, yielding nitrosamines that have been linked to gastrointestinal cancers. You should look for meats labeled “uncured” and without sodium nitrite listed on the label (not to be confused with nitrates). Of course, also make sure processed meats contain no wheat, cornstarch, or other hidden grains, particularly lunchmeats, sausage, and deli meats.
    CHOOSE ORGANIC DAIRY PRODUCTS. Because many commercial, high-volume dairies milk pregnant cows throughout pregnancy (rather than the more limited milking period practiced by organic farmers), products made from this milk contain more estrogen. Minimize this problem by choosing dairy products from organic producers. By choosing organic products, you’ll also avoid exposure to bovine growth hormone and antibiotic residues. And avoid low- or reduced-fat products; opt for full-fat whenever possible.
    CHOOSE ORGANIC VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Whenever available and budget permits, make organic your first choice, especially when the exterior of the food is consumed, as with blueberries and broccoli, for example. This helps minimize the now ubiquitous exposure we all have to pesticides, herbicides, and even genetically modified foods, and reduces the potential to be exposed to their endocrine-disruptive, cancer-causing, weight-loss-blocking effects. If you cannot choose organic, at the very least rinse fruits and veggies thoroughly in warm water to minimize pesticide and herbicide residues.
    DON’T OVERLY RESTRICT SALT. For most of us engaging in a grain-free lifestyle, light to moderate use of mineral-rich forms of salt, such as sea

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