In the Devil's Nebula (Phoenix Adventures #2)
It had been one aspect of Vik he
hadn’t liked. She refused to question their orders, even when she’d
known they hadn’t been right. She’d told him good Strike Wing
pilots followed orders. Yet, Zayn had always known a good pilot
didn’t just follow the rules of flying. It took guts, and some
risks, to be truly exceptional. Vik had never understood that.
    His brothers’ arguing brought Zayn back to
the present. He forced himself to focus on the blueprints of the
Guild Headquarters. “Whatever way we get in, there will be far too
many highly trained killers inside.”
    Ria tapped her fingers against the table.
“What are you saying? That it’s too hard for you? You want to
    “No.” He watched her steadily. “I’m saying
we need to lure them out.”
    “Excellent idea,” Eos said. “Empty the place
and we increase our odds.”
    Dathan crossed his arms over his chest.
“What would entice them out? What’s the perfect bait for an
    All eyes went to Ria.
    “A big target. Or a failed target. Someone
they’ve been after for a long time.”
    Zayn leaned his elbows on the table. “And
who would that be?”
    Ria’s gaze turned inward. “I can only think
of one. Lastite Lala.”
    Zayn shared looks with their brothers, who
both shrugged. “Lastite? As in the highly volatile explosive?”
    “Who is Lastite Lala?” Zayn asked.
    “She’s a crazy bomb maker. Notorious for
making the absolute best explosives on the black market. Her goods
have been responsible for a lot of death and destruction.”
    “She likes lastite, I take it?” Zayn
    “It’s one of her favorite explosives. Rather
disturbing to think of a fifteen-year-old who loves to play with
the galaxy’s most dangerous explosive.”
    “A fifteen-year-old notorious bomb maker?”
Eos’ eyes were wide.
    “Yep. And crazy. Don’t forget that,” Ria
    “Where do we find her?” Dathan asked.
    Ria winced. “I have no idea. The Guild has
never been able to track her down.”
    “Can we approach as buyers again?” Eos
    “Maybe,” Zayn mused. “But I don’t like the
idea of going in completely blind. Nik, can you and BEll run some
searches, see if you can find any info on this Lala?”
    “On it,” BEll said as Nik nodded.
    “Think Eos and I will head down to Souk and
see Sel,” Dathan said.
    Selesos ran a store on the market world
selling electronics—and weapons—of all kinds. He might know
    “And me?” Ria asked.
    “You and I will keep going over these
blueprints. Identify the primary way in and a Plan B.”
    She didn’t look too happy about his answer.
    The team scattered. Zayn and Ria worked on
the plans until Zayn found his eyes were blurring.
    “If we can create a diversion, I think we
come in here.” He pointed to an air duct.
    “They have security on all the services.”
She raised a brow. “They protect all the same weak points they use
to infiltrate other people’s bases.”
    Her snarky, cold tone was starting to grate
on him. “So what do you suggest?”
    She chewed on her lip for a second. “I
suggest we use the front door.”
    “What?” he asked, incredulous.
    “Do what they won’t expect. If we can find
Lastite Lala and use her to draw most of the assassins out, they’ll
be in a bit of disarray. I sneak in, dressed as an assassin, and
find the derringer.”
    “ We sneak in.”
    She shook her head. “They’ll pick you out as
a flyboy from a mile away.”
    “I can blend and I can dress up.”
    “Fine. It all depends if we find Lala or
not.” Ria stretched her shoulders.
    Zayn realized his muscles were tight as
well. “Dathan and Eos won’t be back for another hour or so. Why
don’t we take a break? I can get you something to eat.”
    She shook her head. “I saw your gym
downstairs. Think I’ll go and work out for a bit.” She swept out
without a second glance.
    Zayn stared at the empty doorway. She was
still mad at him. Which

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