
Free Matt by R. C. Ryan

Book: Matt by R. C. Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. C. Ryan
    “My father…?”
    Without a word the sheriff entered the number in the speed dial, then turned on the speaker.
    Seconds later an image came into focus on the phone’s screen.
    “Dad…” Vanessa reached for the phone, but the sheriff shook his head and continued holding it facing her as the others gathered around to watch and listen.
    “Vanessa, this is Captain McBride.”
    Vanessa could make out the police officer’s face next to her father’s.
    “Sorry, Elliott,” he said to the man beside him. “I think it best if I set the scene, so to speak.”
    “I don’t understa—”
    McBride cut off Vanessa’s protest. “As you know, your father’s office has been involved in a very high-profile case.”
    Vanessa nodded. “DePietro.”
    “Exactly. In the past few days, the accused saw his airtight alibi fall apart on the witness stand. If convicted, Diomedes DePietro will be going away for a very long time. At his age, he’ll likely die in prison. A very well-connected man like that, about to see his empire crumble, will often resort to anything to remain free. In this case, immediately after the trial ended yesterday, your father received a threat stating that if his office continued its prosecution of this case, he would lose his most precious possession.”
    Vanessa looked at the image of her father in the phone.
    “Nessa, he was telling me very plainly that his people would go after you.”
    “But I—”
    “These people don’t make idle threats. I have no doubt your life is in danger. The exact words were, ‘Unless a mistrial is declared, Kettering will pay with the life of the one he holds most dear.’ That can only be you, Nessa.”
    “And then,” Captain McBride added, “when we got word that the plane parked in Helena, the same plane that would be bringing you home, had been damaged, we feared the worst.”
    “Damaged? It was a storm—”
    “And how do you know that?” the police captain asked. “The fact that it happened during a storm just makes the local authorities reluctant to consider that it might have been a criminal act. But taken with this threat, it’s far more likely that the damage to the landing gear was man-made and not the result of any storm. That’s why we have federal agents going over every inch of that plane right now.”
    Her father ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve been trying to reach you ever since I got that threat. Then, when I heard about the damage to the plane, I was desperate to hear from you. But when you never answered—”
    “What about Clayton Anderson and the crew? Were they injured? “
    “No serious injuries,” Captain McBride’s voice rang out. “The hospital in Helena reported that all are doing fine. But they had no report of a female passenger.”
    “Oh, Dad. I didn’t know. The storm made it impossible to communicate. And then when I tried to call you, I couldn’t get through. Not even at your office.” She studied his haggard appearance. “I can only imagine what you’ve been going through.”
    He gave a weary shake of his head.
    Captain McBride cleared his throat. “The fact that you couldn’t get through was no coincidence.”
    Vanessa’s brow shot up.
    “We insisted on taking all the phones that had any messages from DePietro to our lab to be tested for evidence. That included both your father’s cell phone and his office phones.”
    Vanessa swallowed. “Then you think there’s a very real possibility that this man intends to make good on his threat.”
    The police captain’s voice deepened with authority. “Until all the tests on the plane are completed, we will continue to believe that it was a first attempt. We aren’t foolish enough to believe it will be the last. DePietro’s network is vast. That’s why we’ve suggested that you be taken to a safe house until this trial is over.”
    “A safe house?” Her voice rose with anger. “You must be kidding.”
    Her father’s tone was

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