Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel

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Book: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel by Samantha Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Grace
How had she grown more beautiful since that night in the garden? “I suppose you’re avoiding my original question,” he said softly. “Do you truly not wish to marry?”
    Her eyebrow arched. “It is every lady’s duty to secure a good match, sir. I will thank you to cease your impertinent questions.”
    Drew spotted Bollrud’s towhead moving through the crowd in their direction, and a flicker of irritation ignited in him.
    “Come along, Miss Hillary. You’re in need of rescue again.”
    As Drew guided the lady toward her mother and Phoebe, his fingers brushed the soft skin of her upper arm. Hell’s teeth, what luxury. It was a shame he would never have the opportunity to discover if she proved as silky all over.
    “I thought you were rescuing me,” she mumbled as they approached the alcove.
    “I am.” If he stayed in her presence any longer, he would no longer be responsible for his actions. She was as intoxicating as his father’s best bottle of scotch. “Thank you for the lovely dance, Miss Hillary. I trust you will enjoy the remainder of your evening.”
    He meet Phoebe’s gaze then flicked his eyes to Bollrud, hoping she understood his warning. In case his message was lost on his sister-in-law, however, he retreated to his side of the ballroom where he could watch over Miss Hillary for the remainder of the evening and held his post until Miss Hillary left Irvine Castle.
    Once he saw her safely removed from Bollrud’s clumsy clutches, the tension drained from his body, and he chuckled under his breath. When had Drew become the protector of women rather than the reason they needed protection?
    Of course, Miss Hillary’s circumstances were unique. Because of her close association with his family, she earned his loyalty by extension; at least that seemed the most logical explanation. Besides, it was apparent she required protection her mother was ill equipped to provide. Why, the noddy woman had allowed Drew to monopolize her daughter’s attention in a secluded corner of the ballroom for a good ten minutes. Granted, he and Miss Hillary had remained at a respectable distance, but a man of his reputation shouldn’t be allowed anywhere within the vicinity of an innocent unless one wished her name tarnished.
    Drew turned to leave the ballroom and spotted Norwick heading his way.
    “There you are, chap.” His friend lowered his voice as he drew closer. “What in the devil’s name are you doing in the ballroom? Don’t you know there is a private party?”
    Drew raked his hand through his hair, not in the mood to deal with his usual crowd. “You will have to proceed without me.”
    Norwick laughed, but when Drew didn’t join in his merriment, the earl’s eyes rounded. “Oh, you are serious. But there will be cards. And brandy. And, and certain amenable women.”
    “It was a grueling trip from London,” Drew said. “Perhaps tomorrow.”
    He scanned the ballroom, meeting eyes with Lady Audley then glancing away before she received unintended encouragement. What had possessed his mother to extend an invitation to Amelia?
    Norwick stared openly at Drew’s most recent lover. “Ah, I see now, you scoundrel. You’ve arranged a private party of your own.”
    “Stop ogling Lady Audley like a sailor after eight months at sea.”
    “As you wish. I wouldn’t think to interfere.” Norwick winked. “You laid claim to her first, my friend.”
    Drew blew out a long breath. “I’m taking my leave, Norwick.”
    “Indeed, have a nice time.”
    Damnation. The earl could be a real dullard.
    Fatigue washed over Drew. Returning to Shafer Hall seemed a prudent choice at this time rather than cards or bedding a wench, but after a good night’s rest, he’d be up for his usual activities. That is, if he could catch any sleep with visions of Miss Hillary plaguing his mind.

    Drew bounded from his bed at dawn the next morning, filled with renewed enthusiasm for life. He couldn’t recall the last time he woke

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