Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel

Free Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel by Samantha Grace

Book: Miss Hillary Schools a Scoundrel by Samantha Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Grace
hell from Rich for dancing with her, he might as well do something to deserve the lecture. Trailing his hand slightly lower on her back, Drew pulled her closer. Her hips brushed against his, and an attractive blush brought color to her face. Yet, she hesitated before drawing back.
    Drew swallowed the groan rising in his throat. He’d never been one to find pleasure in denying himself, and he regretted giving his promise to stay clear of Miss Hillary. Given her response to his simple touch, keeping his word could prove an impossible task.
    He cleared his throat. “Where’s your bullish brother when you need him?”
    “Jake had more important things to do, such as mend a broken leg,” she replied with a touch of surliness.
    “How thoughtless of him.”
    Her deep-throated laugh inflamed his body even more. “Let me ask you, Lord Andrew, how can you be certain playing the distressed damsel is not a tactic I’m using to catch a husband?”
    Drew missed a step and she laughed again. The little vixen mocked him. His grip on her hand loosened and he returned her smile. “So you haven’t forgiven my teasing at the Eldridge ball.”
    “Yes, well. I’ve barely given it a thought. Might I add, sir, you were wrong about ladies and our desires.”
    “Indeed? How very intriguing.” Nothing would please him more than learning of Miss Hillary’s desires. He hoped they might align with his own.
    The waltz ended, but Drew didn’t excuse himself when he escorted her off the dance floor. Instead, he guided her to a corner where they could continue their conversation. “Tell me more of ladies’ desires.”
    Color infused Miss Hillary’s cheeks again, but she boldly met his gaze, so unlike the innocents he had encountered in the past.
    “You assume all women wish to secure a match, perhaps with a gentleman such as yourself. After all, you are in possession of a modest fortune and noble blood.” She wrinkled her nose and frowned. “Well, my lord, I can assure you, not all women find you as pleasing as you believe yourself to be.”
    Her frank assessment made him smile. “I’m hurt, Miss Hillary, for you failed to mention my charm or handsome face while listing my attributes. I believe those add to my marketability.”
    She tossed her head, fire sparking in her spectacular eyes, and barreled on as if Drew hadn’t spoken. “Some women possess no desire to marry at all, my lord. Mayhap these ladies in question prefer devoting their lives to academics or a pursuit of the arts rather than wifely duties and such.”
    “I see.” Drew nodded, doing his best to hold back his grin.
    “Perhaps they wish to invest their funds or take up a profession to support themselves like their brothers.”
    Miss Hillary became more intriguing each moment. He had never met a woman who didn’t care if she secured a husband. He found it difficult to believe one existed.
    “Do you have something against marriage?” he asked. “Do you wish to remain unmarried?”
    “I wasn’t referring to myself—” Her mouth snapped closed and she scowled. “Why is it society finds it acceptable for a man to remain a bachelor, but a woman becomes an anomaly if she wishes to remain unwed; something for young boys to jab with a sharp stick?”
    “I see you hail from the rougher section of Mayfair,” he said with a chuckle.
    Her face darkened as her eyes narrowed. “Does mocking me amuse you, sir?”
    “What do you take me for, Miss Hillary? You think me a gentleman who would take pleasure in the act of mocking you? No, it’s your fiery temper that provides me with much entertainment, and it requires so little effort to stoke.”
    She issued a huff of outrage and crossed her arms, pushing her breasts upward.
    Determined to ignore her enhanced neckline, he offered his most disarming smile. “Come now, Miss Hillary. Did you not just tease me a moment ago?”
    The corners of her perfect pink lips lifted slightly. “I suppose I did.”
    Drew studied her.

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