Kiss of a Demon King

Free Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole

Book: Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kresley Cole
yours. Almost as strong as your rational mind and your sense of right and wrong. But then, was it right to strangle me as you did?”
    “You’re an enemy to me.” The maddening tension from before redoubled. “An enemy I’ll kill at the earliest chance.”
    His words were now strong, his tone lethal. Yet he alone knew how close he’d been to continuing his exploration of her, to wringing an orgasm from her responsive little body. Every inch of her had been more exciting to him than the last. “Do you have no hesitation being used like this? As a tool for Omort?”
    “You seem to think me either cowed by Omort or suffering qualms about screwing someone for reasons other than pleasure or love. Neither is true of me.”
    “So you’re just a cold, heartless bitch.”
    “As much as you’re a self-righteous, miserable prick.” Her lips curled into a smirk. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t have something meaningful between us.”
    He kicked his legs and thrashed his upper body.
    “You need to understand that you’re not getting away. It’s impossible.” She crawled on her hands and knees toward him, giving him a view of her cleavage. She noticed his hard-eyed staring, and suddenly the top disappeared, revealing breasts that would bring a lesser demon to his knees.
    The garment had been a mere illusion. And now her stiffened nipples were an inch from dragging across his chest.
    In a breathy voice, she said, “Do you want our skin to touch, Rydstrom?”
    When she leaned down and grazed the peaks against him, her lids went heavy, and he had to bite back a groan. He renewed his struggles, which only increased the contact.
    “These chains are reinforced, as is the cell door. Accept it, Rydstrom, you’re mine .”
    “Sabine, you fucking unchain me—”
    “Shh, demon.” She placed her forefinger over his lips, and yanked it back just in time to miss his snapping teeth. “I know exactly what you’re going to say. You’ll say that I had better release you this instant, or you will throttle me or some such promise of violence. And then you’ll pepper that with a threat about the future. Maybe something with a qualifier like ‘when I get free.’”
    She’d shushed him? “You see, my darling demon? We’re so in tune, you don’t even need to voice your thoughts to me.” She gave him a smart-ass grin. “It’s like we’re already one.”
    “A threat about the future?” He raised his head, baring his lengthening fangs. “I won’t just hurt you, Sabine. I’ll kill you.” So much at stake.
    Another futile attempt to power free from the chains left the manacles cutting into his skin, blood dripping.
    He was truly trapped. Which meant he couldn’t get to his brother. To the sword.
    To be this close to what he wanted, prevented by bonds even his strength couldn’t break…
    This sorceress had stopped him— she ’d done this to him. She was the obstacle standing in his way. One small female would undermine centuries of toiling, of warring.
    “You’ll kill me?” She lightly raked her nails from his chest to his navel, then sifted them through the trail of hair running down from it. He just stifled a shudder of pleasure.
    With her, his skin seemed a thousand times more sensitive, his body hungering for release like never before. And yet at the same time, he felt on the verge of rage, beginning to turn demonic.
    Though his breed of demon was prone to mindless rages, he’d always kept them at bay. Now being with her was making him crazed, making him lose reason so easily. “Yes, kill you,” he grated. “You Sorceri are physically easy to destroy. If I strangle you long and hard enough…”
    “Just as you had begun to do. Know this, demon, nothing makes me more cross than attempts on my life. I have a particular aversion to being murdered.”
    What in the hell was she talking about?
    Kneeling between his legs, she leaned over him, placing her hands flat on his shoulders. As she lowered her head, she

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