Just Destiny

Free Just Destiny by Theresa Rizzo

Book: Just Destiny by Theresa Rizzo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theresa Rizzo
him to say good-bye and walk away?
    “We can give you a little time alone with him, but we need to do this before long. It’s for
    the best.”
    “Whose best?” George railed. “It’s only been a day, for Chrissake.”
    “All our sakes. His sake. He needs us to let him go.”
    George stared at Gabe’s still form, allowing the truth to sink in. His lips began to tremble; his hand covered his mouth, stilling them. He stared at the man in the bed, the man he’d raised and loved like a son. He’d gotten Gabe through his parent’s deaths, he’d taken him fishing, and taught him to drive on his old Ford Taurus. They had season tickets to the Tiger’s games. Gone? Fuck.
    He closed his eyes against the truth. “What now?”
    “We’ll call the mortuary and let them know we’re ready. When the kids get back, we’ll say our good-byes…and leave.”
    He blinked furiously to stem the tears. With his thumb and index finger he pinched his nose. He forced his eyes open and looked at Judith. “Nobody’s going to be with him in the end? That’s not right.”
    Jenny reached for Gabe’s hand. “I’ll be here."
    An immediate protest formed on George’s lips, but he saw the grief etched on her young face and remembered how Gabe always jumped to her defense. He’d been crazy about the girl. Totally blind in love. Much as he wanted to deny it, Gabe would want it to be her. He blew out a deep breath, nodding.
    It’d been hard burying his wife, parents, and sister, but this was infinitely more difficult. Too soon. Adele’s death had been a heartbreaking tragedy. George’s mother had been older when she died, and his father—his death had been hard, but they’d lived productive lives. For the most part. And his sister, Jan? Well, she’d simply been dumb and careless.
    She’d followed that do-gooder husband all over the world to any unsettled third-world country when she should have been home taking care of herself. Plain stupid was what she was, but her son never went looking for trouble: Gabe was a good boy—a good man, George corrected. The best. He didn’t deserve this.
    When Judith left the room, Jenny gave him one last stern look before slowly following.
    What the hell does she think I’m gonna do to you? He scowled back at her and pursed his lips hard against a caustic comment. Jesus, Gabe, I’ll never understand why you married that one. Never mind her—I don’t know how much time they’re going to give me with you.
    What in the hell happened? How can you be gone? I wasn’t expecting this yet. I should have had more time with you . He paused and closed his eyes against the pain tightening his chest. He opened his eyes and looked at his nephew’s face, hoping to see a reaction, desperately hoping they’d all been wrong. I never really came out and said it, but you know how much I love you and how proud of you I am, right? I mean, sure, we had our little quarrels—mostly over that girl— He shook his head. Sorry .
    It’s just…I tried to give you a happy life. I worked so damn hard to protect you—but I couldn’t have seen this coming. Dead at forty-three? Shit. What a waste. I am so damn tired of the waste. After your mother died, I should have been prepared for another life taken too soon, but it wasn’t supposed to end like this. Maybe it’s for the best, but damn it hurts . He dropped his head and hot tears scalded his hand. I’m just not ready for you to leave me too. Not yet .
    But you’ll be okay . He blew out a deep, hot breath. Jan. Adele. Those girls’ll take good care of you. It’s me I’m cryin’ for, you know that, right? You were my son. My best friend. I’ve never known a better man, and that’s the truth . He sobbed. I love you, Goddammit, and I miss you so damn much already .
    George heard footsteps and clothing rustling at the door. He took his handkerchief from his back pocket and turned his back on Judith, Jenny, and the approaching kids. He wiped his eyes and blew his

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