urge on a smaller level is like buying a baby tiger or crocodile. It looks really cute and seems like a wonderful idea, but it will grow up in time. Some readers may find this idea amusing, but many people in London have indeed bought such animals and been surprised when the animal gets so large that it tries to eat them. The sewers of London are rumoured to be full of crocodiles that are dumped as a result of this kind of stupidity.
We all laugh at such folly, but the truth is that we all often make this kind of silly mistake with our own life and habits. We can all see the kind of habits that lead to worse and larger sins. The most important point to remember is if you partly fulfil a strong urge or desire with a seemingly harmless habit, be very sure this is not a baby tiger that is going to grow up and eat you. Catch things when they are very small and you don’t have a struggle. The best time to weaken an oak tree is when it’s an acorn. If you are trying to give up overeating on weekends out, you have to say ‘no’ to going to that Chinese restaurant. That is the point when you need to resist. If you try to go and eat healthily, you have a major battle on your hands. Likewise, control your meals at the point of purchase, not the point of cooking. If you have ever tried to eat one square of chocolate or a couple of peanuts, then you know the value of cutting things off at the root. Don’t open the packet!
Be like the lotus flower
In spiritual traditions across the world, the art of detachment is symbolized by the lotus flower. The universal symbolism is based on the fact that the lotus flower grows up from the mud into an object of great beauty. The lotus flower starts its life as a bulb at the bottom of a pond in the muck and dirt, then it slowly but continually moves towards the light as it approaches the water’s surface. Once it comes to the surface of the water, the lotus blooms into a beautiful flower. Indeed, in a way, as all living things come fromthe earth, the lotus flower could represent life in general. In spiritual paths, where the aim is to grow and change into something more beautiful and noble, this symbol represents the struggle for self-transformation perfectly.
The lotus seed already has within itself perfectly formed embryos containing everything it needs to grow, flourish and transform. In fact, it is said that, if opened, the seed even contains leaves and what appear to be whole miniature plants and flowers. This symbolizes the fact that the key to our own enlightenment lies hidden inside ourselves and that nothing external is needed. On a cosmic scale, this also points to the creation of the universe and the eternal great solar cycle that maintains the whole of life on earth. It also points to the ideal or spiritual world hidden within the material and the ability to access the former through the latter. Moreover, because it has buds, blossoms and seed pods simultaneously on the same plant, it also symbolizes the past, present and future together as one.
However, the most important and powerful meaning behind the lotus, stems from the plant’s mysterious ability to remain pure and unsullied. The petals reject any mud or water splashed on them and remain bright and pure. This quality of being able to remain pure when surrounded by swamp is just what the great spiritual masters of old felt was needed in an individual. If we could cultivate the ability to be unaffected by the negative things around us, then, like the lotus with its lovely scent and beautiful appearance, we could have a positive effect on the world around us.
The lotus teaches us that, in order to create somethingbeautiful, we need to be able to remain pure and unsullied. We need to learn to let things flow over us. Whenever you need to let something pass by, remember the lotus flower and picture the amazingly beautiful future you are going to create; let the mud flow over you.
Remind yourself of your aim
One of the great