The Deception

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Book: The Deception by Fiona Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona Palmer
see it? Does it look as cool as Ryan’s?’
    Jaz lost it laughing while Pax rolled his eyes. ‘How about I leave you two to chat while I check on Bags and set up another test for you, Jaz. I’ll be about ten minutes.’
    After Pax left, Jaz showed Anna her wound. It was still a little raw and sore but no longer bleeding or weeping.
    ‘You’ve only just met Ryan and yet you have this and that knife wound.’
    ‘In his defence, the knife attack wasn’t Agency related.’
    ‘I know,’ said Anna. ‘It just seems to add to it all. But what about Tay? How are you both coping with … you know? That.’ She grimaced. That was a better word than death .
    ‘Not well. We took a life, Anna. It’s haunting us both. Tay is going to be so relieved that you know. He really needs you. We both do. Thank you for understanding all of this.’ Anna could have been pissed at them for lying to her and keeping secrets, and she would have had every right to be, but it showed just how thick their bonds were that she didn’t turn her back on them. Instead she’s jumping in with them. Like the Musketeers, one for all and all for one. Her fencing coach would be proud to hear that.
    ‘Jaz,’ called Pax from the gym.
    ‘Right, I better go and practise some more. Well talk later, yeah?’ said Jaz as she got up.
    Anna nodded. ‘I’m not going anywhere. I have so many more questions, you know?’
    ‘Yeah, well I’m not going anywhere either.’
    Anna came and hugged her tight. It was everything Jaz needed.
    After Pax ran her through some more memory drills, she went and got changed so she could work out, plus the gym needed some cleaning. Pax didn’t want her to do it but Jaz wasn’t an invalid and the work was all exercise anyway. Every bit would count.
    She was at the speedball, dripping with sweat, when her phone chimed an hour later. It was Marcus, just seeing how she was. His concern brought a smile to her lips. She had The Ring to herself, Pax and Anna had no doubt snuck off to his special room for some geek speak. After replying to Marcus, she went and stuck her head into Pax’s special room. It was weird the door not being locked anymore.
    ‘Having fun, kids?’ Both had their heads together by the big screen. ‘I’m ready to head home.’
    ‘I’ll take you both. How did you get here, Anna?’ Pax asked.
    ‘Ricky dropped me off after the library. But I don’t want to go home yet, this is all so interesting.’
    ‘It may be,’ he said. ‘But it will still be here tomorrow.’
    Anna grinned. ‘I’ll come here straight after school with Jaz.’
    Pax was shaking his head as they got up to leave. ‘No, Jaz has other plans.’
    ‘I do?’
    He waited until he’d locked the door. ‘Yes. Ryan will pick you up from school, he is teaching you some hand signals with one of the other recruits.’
    ‘Oh, that sounds like fun,’ said Anna as she almost skipped outside towards the car.
    ‘Right. Another recruit.’ Jaz was a little disappointed that she had to share her time with Ryan. But the idea of learning hand signals was exciting. She’d seen Ryan using them in Pakistan with Tilly when they were in trouble. No words were needed yet they knew exactly what the other was going to do. Jaz wanted that knowledge.
    ‘He said to bring your study books,’ Pax added.
    As he drove them home, Jaz didn’t ask why she’d need her books. Knowing Ryan there was a good reason.
    ‘Thanks Pax, see you tomorrow,’ they said as they waved goodbye after he’d dropped them off outside Jaz’s house.
    ‘It’s funny. I always felt it in my bones that Pax was different and exciting, you know. Not like my family. He just radiates something else and now, now it all makes sense. Life doesn’t seem so dull anymore, hey,’ said Anna as she watched the little red car disappear up the street.
    ‘I know what you mean.’
    ‘I also feel like I’m so much closer to Pax, you know. His secrets are my secrets. And you too.’

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