The Deception

Free The Deception by Fiona Palmer

Book: The Deception by Fiona Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona Palmer
    Oops. Jaz nearly choked on her coffee.
    Anna’s eyes popped. ‘Jaz. What?’
    Jaz smiled as if she’d just been caught eating the last chocolate biscuit. ‘Sorry Anna. I really wanted to tell you but I couldn’t. Guess I don’t have to now, thanks Pax.’ Her shock was soon replaced by relief. Her friend now knew and she hadn’t betrayed Ryan or the Agency.
    Pax spluttered. ‘Damn.’
    ‘Bloody hell, how many other secrets are there that I don’t know about? Does Tay know?’
    ‘He found out by accident. I couldn’t tell either of you, no matter how much I wanted to. You understand, don’t you Anna? Please don’t hate me?’ Jaz watched her friend closely. She knew every freckle on Anna’s face, she knew each smile and could read her every mood. Life without Anna wouldn’t be worth living.
    Anna sighed, her shoulders dropped. ‘I knew something was up with you and Tay. Neither of you have been the same lately.’ Her piercing green eyes held hers. ‘So what is it? Are you with this Agency too? Just like Ryan?’
    Jaz nodded. ‘Yes, he’s recruited me and I said yes to join after our school ball.’ She had to tell her the truth, all of it now. Jaz wanted no stone left unturned. She’d lied for long enough to her best friend.
    ‘Oh, wow.’ Anna watched the both of them. ‘So you’re with the Agency then.’ She thought for a moment. ‘Well, that’s it then. I definitely want in. There is no way I’m not going to have my friends back. Pax? Please?’
    Pax sunk his face into his hands and groaned. ‘I wish Ryan had never stepped foot inside The Ring. I curse that day.’
    ‘Please, Pax,’ pleaded Jaz. ‘The day Ryan offered me a job at the Agency was the day I felt like I’d finally found my purpose in life. Don’t take that away from Anna. You know she can do it with her eyes closed. I need someone out there that I can trust and you could use the help. Especially if you keep eating crap.’ She rolled her eyes.
    ‘I can’t believe you’ve been ignoring the doctors warnings,’ added Anna. ‘Are you taking your medication?’
    He sat up. ‘Of course. I’m not that stupid. It’s hard to change bad habits. I’m trying. You two are worse than a nagging wife.’
    ‘We love you,’ said Anna sweetly. ‘So. Do you think the Agency will let me learn the ropes?’
    Pax pushed his cup away from him. ‘I guess there is nothing I can say to persuade you otherwise?’
    Anna shook her head. ‘No. Pax, let me into your world. Let me do something great.’ She cocked her head to the side and smiled. ‘Funny how so much makes sense now.’
    Jaz chuckled, remembering how she’d thought the same after finding out about Pax.
    ‘I’ll need to check with the Agency first. It comes down to them.’ Pax scratched his head. His posture was defeated, he wasn’t happy about any of this.
    ‘Well, don’t sell me short,’ said Anna.
    ‘He won’t. Will you, Pax?’ Jaz reached for his hand. The contrast of his ageing skin against hers made him seem so fragile. She leant in and put her hand on his chest. ‘Do you feel that, Pax? That some of the weight has gone from your chest now there is one less person to lie to.’
    And for the first time since Anna had caught him out, Pax actually smiled. He covered her hand, patting it. They both shared that feeling of relief. Jaz had only been lying a short time and it had killed her. Imagine what a lifetime had done to Pax.
    ‘Okay. I’ll make contact tomorrow.’
    Anna reached across and put her hand on his too. ‘Thanks Pax. You won’t regret it.’
    ‘Hmm, that’s debatable,’ he said, as they all sat back in their chairs.
    ‘So, how did Tay find out then?’ asked Anna.
    Oh dear. Where did Jaz start. She decided the beginning was the best. She told her about Marcus and his dad and the night she called Taylor to help.
    ‘Oh my GOD. That’s a bullet wound!’ Anna almost shrieked as she pointed to her leg. Then her tone changed. ‘Can I

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