Rachel's Accident

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Book: Rachel's Accident by Barbara Peters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Peters
few seconds later a woman came into my room and checked me over. She asked me questions and I tried to answer them as best as I could. But I was a little preoccupied with my own thoughts.
    Why was this woman in my room? I looked her over. She had on hospital scrubs, which could only mean one thing. I was back in the hospital and this was a nurse. But why was I here? Then it hit me. I'd had an accident and there had been a voice calling to me.
    The nurse was friendly and answered all my questions in return when she was finished with hers. Apparently, I had been driving in my friend's car when I steered into the wrong lane. At the last second I had jerked the car around and my side had collided with the oncoming car's front. Then my car had spun off the road and into a tree. That was as far as I'd already known
    The interesting part came then. The driver of the other car had helped me out of my car and had called for an ambulance. He had then come with me to the hospital and had been there with me ever since. And that had been a week ago. I had been kept in an induced coma for a whole god damn week.
    I asked the nurse about the man and she gestured to the corner of the room. There he sat in a chair, sleeping and snoring. I thanked the nurse quietly, not wanting to wake my hero. She nodded at me and walked out, quietly closing the door behind her.
    I turned back to the man in the chair. He looked a little rough and unkempt. Somehow I had a strong sense of déjà vu, but I couldn't quite place it. I disregarded it for the moment and relaxed back into the bed. Under all the hair and beard he looked nice, though. He must not have shaved or combed his hair for at least a week. I wondered what he would look like in broad daylight and what color his eyes probably had. I had a feeling they were a brilliant green. Why I would know that I had no idea.
    Still quite worn out I went back to sleep and left all the remaining questions whirling around my head to be worried about tomorrow.

Chapter Twelve
    The next morning I woke up refreshed and well rested. As I looked around my hospital room my gaze fell on the lump of clothing that occupied the chair in the corner. On a snort it jerked awake and straightened up to its full height.
    The man stared at me as he realized that I was fully awake and looking at him. His eyes were a beautiful, deep forest-green.
    “Rachel,” he breathed and rushed over to me. He hugged me and I could clearly smell that he hadn’t taken the time to shower.
    “I’m so sorry,” he told me over and over again.
    “Don’t worry. It wasn’t your fault, Mister…?”
    I waited for him to fill in the blank, but he only looked at me as if I might have lost my mind.
    “Don’t you remember me?” He asked me in an almost pleading tone.
    “I’m sorry, no.” I didn’t know anything about this man except that he had probably saved my life.
    He finally pulled away to really look at me. As I looked back t him he cursed and called for the doctor. He told her I didn’t remember anything about the last…two months? I had amnesia came the diagnose . But since the doctor couldn’t find anything wrong with my brain I was released.
    It wa sn’t only the last two months that was missing, though, but the last half year. When he asked me what the last date was I remembered I said January 5 th , but apparently today was July 12 th . What all had I forgotten?
    I hoped the gorgeous hunk of a man was my boyfriend and not just some stranger who I knew by accident. Even in his completely disheveled state he looked good enough to eat and my body urged me to take a nibble out of him.
    I was going to be cautious, though. Right now I didn’t know him. He could tell me anything he wanted about who he was and I had no way to confirm it. He started doing just then when I stopped him.
    “Do you know Jess?” I asked , a little bit testing how much he really knew about me and genuinely interested in his response.
    “Your roommate,

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