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Book: Undeniable by Madeline Sheehan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madeline Sheehan
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
wanted and he gave it to me hard.
    Cradled in Deuce’s arms, I stared up at him with unfocused eyes, my sated body limp and heavy.  He ran hi s hand down the side of my face, down my neck, across my collarbone and over my breasts.
    I arched my back pushing more of me into his hand. 
    "Fuck me," He muttered, thumbing my nipples, making them hard.  His other hand slid down my stomach and in between my hipbones where his fingers traced my indented abdomen.
    "Know I don't deserve nothin' as sweet as you," He whispered darkly as his hand dipped in between my legs.  "Anything a man's gotta steal to have he don't deserve."
    “You didn't steal this,” I breathed, writhing against his hand.  "I gave it."
    His blue eyes glittered with amusement.  “Naïve, darlin'," He murmured.  "I stole you a long time ago.  Round the time you fuckin' stole me."
    You fuckin' stole me.  
    He'd just said that.  He’d really, really, said that.
    "I love you," I breathed into his mouth, overcome by sheer sensation and the larger than life force that was Deuce.
    He went rigid and the pleasure induced fog I'd been floating around inside of instantly cleared.  Oh no.  Ohnononono.  I did not just say that.  There was no way he was going to understand what he meant to me.  I barely understood it; I just accepted that it just was.
    "Wait…that's not what I meant," I stammered.   "I didn't… I don't…"
    Deuce wasn't listening to me; he was moving me off of him, laying me down on my back, settling his hips between my thighs and pushing back inside of me.
    "Say it again, Eva," He growled.
    I bit my lip. 
    "Babe.  Say it again."
    I didn't.  Mostly because he was inside of me again, so full, so big and he was fucking me deliciously slow.  I went soft beneath him, staring up into his eyes.  Eyes that I could never look away from.  Eyes that pulled me inside of him where it was warm and safe.  Eyes that I loved.  And that's when I realized he wasn't fucking me.  He was making love to me.
    “Say it,” He demanded, his expression fierce.  Dominant.  Possessive.
    "I…didn't mean-
    He pulled his hips back and slammed inside of me.  "You love me.  Say it."
    "No, I meant-
    "You love me."
    I gave up.  “Yes,” I cried.  “I love you!  I've loved you forever!”
    His eyes closed and his head dropped to my chest.  “Fuck,” He whispered.
    "Deuce," I whispered. 
    He looked up at me.  "Yeah baby," He asked hoarsely. His eyes were hooded, his mouth slightly parted, his breath coming in short hard pants.  Beads of sweat dotted his brow.  He wasn't Deuce, bad ass biker and I wasn't Eva, his rival’s bad ass biker's daughter.  He was a dangerously beautiful man and I was a woman he wanted and it was so fucking beautiful.  I wanted to freeze time and stay in this moment with him forever, touching, fucking and loving.
    "Come on me," I said, driven only by need.  "I want you to come all over me."
    His body went stiff, his nostrils flared. He barely had enough time to pull out of me before his body let go.
    “God baby…fuck…fucking god.”
    Watching Deuce orgasm was absolutely beautiful, Aurora Borealis kind of beautiful.  His face drew in tightly then loosened as his release began.  For a moment he looked younger than he was, young and vulnerable like I remembered him looking the day I’d met him.  His eyes were glazed over, his lids at half mast.  A small noisy breath passed through his lips and swept warmly over my breasts. Wet warmth shot up over my stomach and chest and suddenly Deuce's fingers were inside of me, pumping.  My sex clenched and clenched again, th rowing me into orgasm.
    Taking his fingers away, he slid his hand over my body rubbing his liquid heat into the skin on my stomach and breasts, down between my thighs, and up into my sex, staring into my eyes the entire time.
    He was marking me. 
    Claiming me. 
    Owning me.  
    "Say it again," He demanded. 
    "I love you, Deuce," I

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